It's always her

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Another time, another fucking time! I can't take this anymore! It's the 4th time this week that he cancelled a date night. You see my boyfriend Mattheo Riddle has this girl bestfriend.... Pansy Parkinson, that keeps needing help from him every time we plan a date night. Now, I'm not the jealous type, but I am getting tired of this, I know for a damn fact that she doesn't need help because every time she asks him for help I always get a text message of her sending me a picture of Mattheo laying asleep next to her and her lying next to him in her bed. And now he cancelled a date night that we already had to reschedule because the last one we had to cancel, because he needed to spend time with her.

This might sound embarrassing but right now, but I am sitting in the bathroom crying my eyes out. I was so frustrated with all the exams happening and the situation with my boyfriend. I started to collect myself and head to my dorm, until I heard Mattheo calling out my name, I turned around and wiped my tears. He lifted my chin and asked with a soft voice:

-Baby are you okay?

-Um, yeah of course you know, just stressed with all the tests coming up you know

-Yeah..look i'm really sorry that we had to cancel our date, is tomorrow ok?

-Yeah of course

He kissed my forehead and we parted our way to our dorm. I smiled slowly out of excitement for our date tomorrow, though I was sure that it probably was going to get cancelled.


It was last period and I was sitting and focusing on professor Snape's lesson. At the end of the class,  Mattheo came over to me and told me:

-I swear this is the last time, but I need to cancel our date yet again, Pansy needs help...

I looked at him in disbelief, as I felt tears starting to form in the corner of my eye, I looked into his eyes and slapped him hard on his left cheek and ran away. While I was running away I could hear Pansy snicker, and as I turned around I saw Mattheo looking at me with a surprised look. I gave Pansy the middle finger and  ran to my dorm so quickly, that I could be track star. I didn't go to lunch that night, because I really wasnt in the mood to see his fucking face.


Mattheo's P.O.V

As, I was eating lunch with Pansy and my older brother Tom, I looked around to try to find Y/n. I also noticed that Tom was ignoring me and glaring at me from time to time. I stared at Tom and said 

-Hey, do you know where my girlfriend is?

He looked up to my face with a glare and with a harsh tone said no. I was taken aback by it, I didn't know why he was so rude. I just asked him a question, no need to be so aggressive about it. He suddenly sat up and walked away from the table.

Tom P.O.V

God he was so stupid, how could he not see he was breaking Y/n heart and that Pansy likes him and doesn't always need his help. I knew that he was always oblivious but this was really the last straw. How could he hurt such a precious soul. I made my way to Y/n dorm and knocked on her door, then I heard a broken voice that told me to fuck off.

-Y/n.....   it's just me Tom

The door slowly opened and revealed a messed up Y/n 

-What do you want Riddle?

-Um are you ok Y/n?

-Obviously I am, I have totally not been crying for these past hours

-What happened with my brother Y/n

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