My savior

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I know I said that I was done with this book, but eh got some motivation soo hi

Mattheo's Pov

I am popular. But I have no friends. Sounds like quite the riddle right? How, am I popular you might ask. Well, I am for the wrong reasons, people think that I am the demon's child. There are plenty of rumors about me. I am mysterious, cold, evil and dark. Do you understand now?

 There is a new student , I hope that she  could become my friend. I wish that I could be a different person with her, and for her to see the real me. But that is impossible. She has befriended everyone in Gryffindor, despite being a ravenclaw. They probably told her to stay away from me. Anyways, in this very moment I am sitting down in Potion's class.  Professor Snape is about to introduce the new student, even though she has been here for 3 days. 

Y/n Pov

I walk into Potion's class. It isn't the prettiest place. A man with long black greasy hair is staring at me intensely. It is kind of creepy. He ask me to introduce myself so, I say ''Hi, I'm Y/n''. Everyone looks at me like they want more detail, but I just look at the teacher like...can I sit down. He tells me that I will be sitting next to Mattheo Riddle. He asks the boy to raise his hand, and upon seeing it, I go to sit next to him. He seems very calm and does not seem to have an interest to talk to me, so I don't try to spark up a conversation. Snape announces that we will be brewing a potion in pairs and that our partner would be our seatmate. I turn to the boy and give him a sly smile. He looks taken aback by this gesture, but returns it. 

We start working and I immediately notice how smart he is. He knows almost everything. He is a genius. We get the work done rather quickly. The teacher let's us get out of class early and while walking next to him, I ask him if he wanted to be friends. He looks at me weirdly and ask ''Why would you want to be friends? "that question leaves me very confused, I mean who could have hurt this man so badly, and why. Though I am confused by his answer I still respond with :"Well, why not" ''Because I am a monster, doll''. I looked at him with a surprised look, how could he say, that, call himself a monster, did he do anything or did people engrave in his mind that he was a horrible person? 

''Well, your being nice to me so... I don't think you are a monster, well maybe it's because I haven't seen your evil side yet, but I don't mind finding out, as long as you don't try to murder me in my sleep, we should get along well, I said while teasing him.

His eyes lit up and he gave me a soft smile and then said, sure I would love to be friends.

3rd Pov

After this moment, Mattheo and Y/n slowly became extremely close, you could always see them together, everywhere and at any time, they were both inseparable, like 2 peas in a pod. At the start, Y/n got a lot of weird looks when she would hang out with him, and over time she soon heard of the rumors about him and her heart couldn't help but hurt for him.  She never mentioned them, considering people must already tell him those things on a regular basis, and she was right. You don't know how much he appreciated her, she had push him to become a quidditch player which did help his reputation, which helped him get more friends and improve his social life. She made life more bearable for him, and he never knew how to thank her for that.

Over the years a weird feeling would be found in Mattheo's stomach each time he saw Y/n and another person, he tried to shake it off but he couldn't, he kept denying to himself that he was jealous, I mean you were his best friends after all, wouldn't it be weird? It wasn't much different for Y/n either, each time she saw him with a girl she would get sort of mad, maybe it was because he was ignoring her, maybe that's why she was mad? Those were the kind of excuses she made up to deny her feelings.

One day she saw Mattheo flirting with a girl. Her heart broke slightly, she ran to her dorm and laid on her bed and started crying. She didn't know that he did notice her run away, and he excused himself and ran after her with a panicked expression. He made his way to her dorm and found her slightly sobbing on her bed, he quickly took her in his arms as she sobbed. He tried to comfort her but it wasn't really helping, since he didn't know what caused her such pain, the only thing he knew was that he wanted to hurt the person who has caused her such pain. As she laid in his arms, she couldn't stop crying and just kept sobbing harder.

''hey, what happened why are you crying''

She looked up at his beautiful face and whispered that she was crying because of him. He was shocked he didn't know how he could have hurt her fragile soul.

She explained to him everything how she felt jealous when he would flirt with other girls,  but also how she felt  guilty that she was jealous. She couldn't understand why she felt mad when she saw him with another girl, why she felt butterflies and fireworks in her stomach when he would hug her, why her heart would ache when he wasn't around or why she would lose her voice and her lungs would stop working when he was standing a bit too close to her.

He held her face delicately and softly kissed her (''cough, cough consent sir, jk but fr'') She kissed him back with more passion though, and they ended up making out. (I don't want to go into detail'')  after that make out session he kissed her nose and whispered how she had saved his life and helped him tremendously, and how she was his savior

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