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3rd pov

After the long, arduous, yet magical years at Hogwarts, life had become somewhat calm for Mattheo Riddle and Y/n. The thrill of secret corridors and late-night treacle tart adventures had gradually faded, replaced by a different, more profound magic - the magic of a growing family.

In their quaint home, nestled amidst the rolling hills, Y/n was in their cozy kitchen. The air was thick with the enticing smell of freshly baked cookies, a scent that seemed to embody the warmth and love that filled their home. Their little daughter, with her big, sparkling eyes that so closely resembled her father's, was bouncing around with uncontained excitement. Her infectious energy filled the room, her tiny voice echoing off the walls, filling the home with a life it hadn't seen before.

Y/n laughed as they watched her, her laughter - a melodious sound that spoke volumes of her happiness - reflecting around the room, filling it with warmth. The little girl was undoubtedly her father's daughter, her boundless enthusiasm for life, her curiosity, her zest, all mirroring his. 

Like most kids though, their daughter would often miss their father who was at work and instead of helping her mom make the 2nd batch of cookies, she was whining and asking for her father.

"Daddy will be home soon, sweetheart," Y/n reassured their little bundle of joy, ruffling her hair affectionately. The little girl's face lighting up at the mention of him, but her lips turning into a pout. She didn't want to wait, after all he was a wizard, why couldn't he just teleport to her whenever she needed him? She truly adored him, her tiny eyes always following him around with pure admiration and love, her giggles filling the air whenever he was around.

As if on cue, the door creaked open, and in walked Mattheo, his robes slightly crumpled from his long day at the Ministry of Magic. He appeared tired, the lines on his face more prominent than usual. But as soon as his eyes settled on the sight of his family, his fatigue seemed to vanish, replaced by a joy that only his family could bring him.

"Daddy!" Their daughter squealed, her voice ringing through their home, as she ran towards him. He scooped her up in his arms, his laughter, deep and warm, mixing with her gleeful squeals.

Y/n watched them from the doorway of the kitchen, a fond smile playing on their lips. This was their life now, far removed from the dangers and excitement of their Hogwarts days, yet filled with a magic that was much more real and precious - the magic of love and family. And they wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Mattheo started playing with their daughter, as Y/n was left alone to make the cookies. After a while, their daughter was exhausted from jumping around with her father. She soon fell asleep. Mattheo put her to bed and got changed, after he went to see his wife, whom he hasnt had the time to talk to. She had her back turned to him as he arrived in the kitchen and hugged her from the back, snuggling himself into the crook of he neck. Life was perfect, though sometimes Y/n wished she had Mattheo to herself, I mean who wouldnt want to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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