Letters 1

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Hey honey, it's been a while since you've been gone or well exactly 3 weeks and 1 day, 5h and 36 minutes. Well, 37 minutes now. How is it up there without me? I hope it's great. Things haven't really changed here in the magic world. I got a job in the ministry and nothing special has happened. Oh, Ginny and Harry are pregnant though, well only Ginny. I have been trying to cope with the pain, but it is hard, I mean how could you leave me, here alone. What am I going to do without you? You were the light to my life, and you pulled me out of my depression. Now that you're gone, I have been going back to my old habits. People keep telling me to just push through, but it's not that easy. I really miss you. Imagine what we could have done if you hadn't left. We could have gotten married and maybe even have kids. I remember you saying how you would want to name our child London for a girl and Alex for a boy. Oh lord would that have been amazing.

Every time I close my eyes, I can see us at Hogwarts, wandering the secret corridors hand in hand, exploring the castle and its many mysteries. You loved the Room of Requirement. You said it was like magic, how it always knew what we needed. We spent countless hours there, just talking and laughing. I remember the way your eyes lit up when you tried a new spell, your excitement was infectious. I remember our late-night trips to the kitchen for treacle tarts, your favourite. I remember your comforting words during the times I was scared of what was to come, how you held my hand tighter during the Triwizard Tournament. These memories, they're a blessing and a curse. They remind me of a happier time, but they also remind me of the gaping hole your absence has left. But I will cherish them, always.

I remember the first time I was told that you were dead. Draco was the one who told me. I remember him running into my dorm and almost breaking the door down with his red eyes and messy hair. He slowly approached me and started saying how he did not know how to tell me this, but slowly started explaining how you had just pass away, while you were on your way to try to find a job in Diagon alley. I recall days of refusing to believe that it was true and acting like it was just a prank, but after a few days I could not think like that anymore and gave up. When we graduated, my friends suggested therapy and I tried. A lot of therapists were not helpful, so I wanted to give up, until Blaise compelled me to try one last therapist, because he had already paid for a 2-week session. The therapist came over to my house and his name was Mr. Platypus. Ok fine, it's actually Paxton, but I prefer the name I gave him. He is short, old, and bossy. I honestly find him annoying but oh well you know.

I hope things get better for me. I love you.

Your one and only, Mattheo Riddle 

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