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-C'mon Y/n get over it! You guys broke up for a reason

-I don't care he was my first love!

-Sweetheart, I know it's tough but he wasn't the one

-It's just that, I was the reason he passed all his test, I was the one who helped him overcome his family problems when he needed comfort. I was always there for him, and he just ditched me like that. I know im being a bit pathetic, but it really hurts.

-Ok I know it hurts , but its time to get over Draco and find yourself a new man... I heard there is gonna be  a new kid

-Mhmm and

-C'mon you are the Hogwarts most popular girl, don't let yourself be sad over a manwhore

-I guess you're right , but where are you going with this

-Wanna do what we used to do?

-Do what


-I don't like where this is going Hermione

-I dare you to become friends with the new kid and maybe become more

-Fine, deal 

-Yay, ok now let's go get supper, im really hungry and quit whining about Draco, it's embarrassing and my ears are gonna fall off if i hear you speak about him one more time.


We slowly made our way to the dining hall and I sat down at the Gryffindor's table. My name is Y/n Evergreen I am a Gryffindor and what you just witnessed was my best friend Hermione helping me get over the breakup with with Draco.

You see me and Draco have been dating since 4th year and now were in sixth. He just dumped me for Astoria Greengrass, well cheated on me with her. I caught them making out in the common room , like 2 weeks ago. He didn't even apologize, he just told me that he moved on and i should too. It was hard to accept it I mean we have been friends since 1st year. I went through everything with that little shit and that's how he repays me. Absolutely shameful

Right now I am a whole mood eating my chicken and having depressive thoughts. Until I heard Headmaster Dumbledore start talking

-Dear students of Hogwart, I want you all to give a warm welcome  to our new student. I will like to present to you  Mattheo Riddle.  As Dumbledore was finishing his sentence, a very handsome guy with dark hair approached Dumbledore and sat on the chair to get sorted. He seemed really tall, probably 6ft something. He had these gorgeous eyes and he did not seem to be very happy to be here. Professor McGonall approached him and put the hat on his head. 

-Mmmm, you are a very courageous boy, very daring, oh what is it that I see.. you seem cunning..but u have this evil aura.. well SLYTHERIN

The Slytherin table stood up and started cheering and clapping. I turned around to see Hermione cocking her eyebrows at me, that's when I realized this was my next target and it might be a hard one I tell you.

After lunch I slowly made my way to my dorms and started forming a plan.


My first class was Potions, today we had to brew Amortentia in pair and and much to my  luck I got paired up with Mattheo. We started working together and making small talk, we surprisingly got along since we had similar interests and after a while he asked me if I wanted to be friends with him. I smiled and nodded, I was done with my bet with Granger and it was surprisingly easy. We were the first to finish and I was so proud, though I wished that he was apart of the Gryffindor house, so that we could have gotten 40 points instead of 20 each.

After class I went to tell Hermione that I was already done with the bet . She seemed very surprised but still congratulated me and gave me 50 gallons.

Over the week we got closer and closer and I have to admit a crush was starting to form. He was really sweet and really funny. I loved spending time with him. We did almost everything together and people started suspecting that we were dating. We helped each other a lot, he helped me in potions and i helped him with transfiguration. The more time we would spend together the more I would start to like him. I don't even know why, but my heart started to flutter each time he would stand close to me, my face would start to heat up and a smile would always form. After a month he came up to me and confessed to me that he had a crush on me, I was stunned but then came back to my sense and said I loved him too. We started dating and it was honestly such a good relationship. He made me feel safe, helped me when I needed it and defended me when Draco made snarky comments about me.  

One day we were cuddling in his dorm and he looked into my eyes and with a serious tone said:

-I have something to tell you...

-Yes babe?

-You were a bet

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