Mine again

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''I'm sorry who are you?''

I felt the air get knocked out of my lungs as I heard those words. Tears welled up in my eyes and all the things i wanted to say just seemed to have vanished, no words were coming out of my mouth. I was heartbroken, how could she not remember me? Let's go back in time before it happened. 

We were taking a walk in Diagon alley and suddenly a man threw a spell  at  Y/n. The spell he performed was crucio and once it hit her she fell to the floor and banged her head on the ground. I quickly cursed the other guy and picked up Y/n who was quickly brought to the hospital, since she seemed to have banged her head on the floor quite hard and she wasn't waking up. I felt my heart pumping blood so quickly as I was running, I kept praying and whispering to her that she will be fine but no response was coming out of her mouth. She felt limp and my mind was so blurry as I was running.

I arrived at the hospital and quickly got assistance. The workers told me to wait outside as they were going to treat her.  I was anxiously waiting , when a nurse came up to me. With a soft voice she said "Sir, patient from room 106 woke up". I quickly got up and ran like the speed of lightning to the direction of her room. Upon arrival I entered and  I approached her bed, I started to tell her how glad I was that she was alright, but she gave me a very confused look . Confused by the look she gave me I asked her "Hey baby, are you okay?". "I'm sorry who are you?". My heart shattered, it felt like a piece of glass had just shattered and all the sharp pieces were piercing me. She couldn't remember me? The doctor came in and with a stern voice, he explained that the fall that she had and the spell, kind of damaged her brain, which might have lead to memory lost. So long story short she forgot me. I couldn't believe it. She looked at me those beautiful eyes, and with a pitiful look on her face she mouthed sorry. I left the hospital, while feeling like somebody had just removed all the air in my lungs and took away my voice. I couldn't even utter a word as I left.


Its been a few weeks and I have had to watch my Y/n, my girl, my partner, slowly get closer to Cedric Diggory and drift away from me. She had come back from the hospital and had to retake a few subjects. Surprising enough, she picked up on them pretty quickly. She needed some help though of course, so the teachers assigned Cedric as her tutor, and that meant that golden boy and her got closer. It started with late night studying in the library, projects together to eating lunch together and hanging out after class. Seeing them together hurt, it hurts to see them laugh together and stand so closely. She has tried to get to know me and find out what we were, but it was hard, and each time I talked to her it didnt feel right, so I kind of gave up. I guess I accepted the fact that she doesn't belong to me anymore, but it's difficult. 

One day

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and I was by myself until I heard a knock at my door. I slowly stood up to open it but to my surprise, I see Y/N. When she sees me she jumps on me and gives me a kiss. When we pull away, she looks into my eyes and says the word I have been longing to hear  "I remember you my love" I embrace her and gave her so many forehead kisses, she was mine again, and from now on I will never let her go.

Author's note

Sorry this is short, I'm trying to update more, but right now I have a lot of school work and I'm exhausted.

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