Letter 5

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I went out with her for our first date. We went to a small Italian restaurant in the muggle world. I got to know her family better. She has 2 younger siblings and they are the most adorable thing in the world. I kind of see a future with her. since, we have the same plan for the future.  She told me she wanted 2 kids, preferably twins, one boy and one girl and she hoped to have a golden retriever as a pet. We had a lot of fun. She reminds me a lot of you, she has a similar energy, a similar kindness and an amazing personality, and it kind of bothers me, because I feel like I'm replacing you. I feel like she is what I need to move on from you and though I am scared of change, I  am willing to take the risk.   I know that this is what you would have wanted, I mean I hope. My friends are extremely proud of me and encourage me to go out with her. 

Draco dropped a bombshell on me the other day. He confessed that he had feelings for you when we all first met. Remember how he was the one who introduced us? It turns out, he was hoping for me to play his wingman, to help him win you over. But as fate would have it, I was the one who ended up being captivated by your charm. I mean how could I not, you were perfect, and nobody can deny that. I inadvertently became the protagonist of the story in which he hoped to be the lead. The thought of you and Draco together is an interesting one, albeit strange. It's difficult for me to picture, given how our lives unfolded. I can't help but wonder about the course of events had you two ended up together. How different would our lives be? Would we still have been friends? Would I have found someone else, or would I still be pining for you from afar? These questions, these alternate realities, they intrigue me, but they also bring a sense of melancholy.

 Regardless, I think it's important to focus on the present. Life, as it seems, has been on an upward trajectory for me. The days are becoming brighter, the burdens are becoming lighter. I'm learning to navigate this world without you by my side, and although it's challenging, I'm managing. I'm growing and healing, day by day, step by step. Life is getting better, and I believe that's something worth celebrating.


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