I have loved you since we were 14...

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How could he ignore me? That man, Mattheo Riddle, my childhood friend.. You see me and Mattheo were childhood bestfriends until we reached Hogwarts. He quickly made friends with that Draco thingy and his gang and abandoned me. Each attempt at conversation was met with ignorance, and my childhood nickname for him, 'Theo', was now a cause for his glare. That was 2 years ago, now I have also ignored him and have made new friends. 

We were both appointed as tutors, and one fateful day, we were tasked with cleaning the library together. We had irked Snape with our groaning when he paired us up for a project, and this was our punishment. As I immersed myself in the task at hand, I failed to notice Mattheo's stare. It was his sudden words that jolted me back to reality.

"Y/n, why do you keep making me want to kiss you?" 

 I was taken aback. Two years ago, this would have been music to my ears, but now, it felt like a betrayal. His question hung in the air, unanswered, as I finished my cleaning duties. 

How could he say that, how could he act like he hasn't been ignoring me for years. I looked at him in disbelief as I tried to control my anger. He looked at me with a look that screamed please answer me, but I didn't say anything, instead I quickly finished cleaning my part of the library and stormed off. 

I made my way back to the ravenclaw common room and rushed to my best friend Cho Chang. As she held me in her arms, tears poured out of my eyes as I was venting about my feelings. I spent the night pouring out my heart to her. I never wanted to feel like that again, so I vowed from that day on,  that I would never let his actions affect me and my feelings anymore. Ever.


 I'm 24 now, a proud Hogwarts graduate working in a quaint little flower shop. Despite the expectations to join the Ministry, I chose this path. There was something about the joy on people's faces when I handed them a bouquet that made every day worthwhile. Everyday I get to meet new people and put a smile on their face. I never thought I would choose this path, but I dont regret it. 

 I am also dating a wonderful man named Oliver. He's kind, understanding, and most importantly, he cherishes me. I met him in my last year at Hogwarts. He was a transfer student and I found myself getting much closer to him than I expected. We spent our nights laughing and studying in the library and our lunches discussing just about everything. He asked me during the winter break of that year and we have been together ever since.

However, life has a funny way of surprising you. One day, as I was arranging a bouquet of sunflowers, I heard the bell at the door chime. I looked up, only to see a familiar face. Mattheo Riddle stood there, looking at me with a mix of surprise and what seemed like... regret?

His eyes, once full of youthful mischief, now held a profound sadness. There was a silence that hung heavily between us, a silence filled with words left unsaid and feelings left unexpressed.

He opened his mouth as if to say something, but instead, he just swallowed and looked down. His eyes wandered around the shop, taking in the assortment of flowers, each one a reminder of the past we once shared. He moved towards a cluster of daisies, a bitter-sweet smile tugged at his lips as he remembered how they were your favorite.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke. In a low, almost inaudible voice, he said, "You look happy." His words were simple, yet they carried the weight of our shared past, our lost friendship and the pain of our separation.

I simply nodded, unable to find the words to respond. A single tear escaped his eye, trailing down his cheek, catching the light as it fell. He quickly wiped it away, gave me one last glance, and turned to leave. As the door closed behind him, I felt a sting in my heart.  Looking down at the sunflowers in my hands, their vibrant hue stood in stark contrast to the melancholy that had blanketed me. And in that moment, I realized something. I had loved him since we were 14, not just as a potential romantic partner, but as a dear friend. I guess the pain was no longer about a lost love, but about a friendship that had been so dear to me. It was the sorrow of what could have been, the grief of a bond that was irrevocably broken.

Life indeed had a funny way of surprising you. And sometimes, those surprises left you with a heavy heart and an ocean of tears.

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