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Wassup I'm Y/ n, and I am a 16 teen year old. I am a Hufflepuff and I play in the quidditch team as chaser. I spend most of my time in the library reading about mystical animals, I find them fascinating. Oh and I forgot to mention, but i'm also a hopeless romantics, but I blame it on all the romance book I have read growing up.

Right now, I am doing a project with Pansy Parkinson, we got paired up in Charms and we had to perform a spell and write an essay about it. Working with her is excruciating, since she keeps talking to her friends and making me do everything. At least, this project has separate grades or we would have probably failed. While we were working together one of her friends kept looking at  me that it was starting to slowly creep me out. I think I have seen him before in  school, and pretty sure he is in the Slytherin quidditch team. Oh well, I'll ask who he is next week since we play against Slytherin.


I was writing my essay for Potions, Snape seems to love giving us homework. I don't know why but, I started thinking about the not so mysterious boy, that's what I decided to call him for now. I also don't know why he kept looking at me confused, it's like he was trying to figure out something going on with me, weird, like I know that I am not mentally well but thats not a reason to be staring at me.

-20 min later-

Damn, all of this thinking made me tired I think I'm going to get some rest


It was time for the Hufflepuff vs Slytherin match; Cedric Diggory came up to me and asked me if I was ready. I smiled and nodded at him.

-OH umm, Cedric, would you know anything about that boy over there (proceeded to point at the mystery boy)

-Well, he's the Slytherin seeker; pretty sure he is replacing Malfoy, since he is injured. His name is Mattheo Riddle, 17 year old, school heartthrob, after me of course and a wonderful seeker. I'm kind of scared going up against him.

-Well, you know a lot of things about him, people would think that you are his stalker.

-*chuckles* Well, dear Y/n you have to know about your opponent so you can beat them.

-Valid point

-Anyways TEAM huddle up

Cedric proceeded to explain the game plan to the team. I felt ready, Slytherin's weren't the nicest to me, so I wanted to show them that I could beat them

While in the game, I marked quite a lot of points, I marked 90 points I was really proud of myself, I could feel Marcus Flint the other team captain glaring at me since, until know I marked the most points in the game. After 30 minutes Cedric cached the golden snitch and sealed our victory 300 – 240.

After the game, we all partied together and I got a ton of people congratulating me since I marked the most points: 100. I had a lot of fun that night with the quidditch team.


While I was walking to my next class, so called Mattheo Riddle cached up to me and congratulated me of my win. You cannot imagine my surprise, when my opponent congratulated me.

-Well, umm thank you, you were very close at catching the golden snitch yesterday

-Thank you

-This is awkward, I'm going to head to class


While leaving I could feel his gaze behind my back, weird. I arrived to class and sat down in a free place and 30 seconds later somebody sat down next to me, I turned to see Mattheo sitting next to me.

-Can I help you

-Just felt like sitting next to you

-I'm Mattheo Riddle you ?

-Y/n Lovegood


-Now can you tell me why you are suddenly sitting next to me

-Just want to get to know you.



Me and Mattheo started to get closer and closer until this happened

-Y/n can you meet me at the astronomy tower tonight?

-Umm sure I guess


-Hey Y/n


- I have something to tell you


-You know that we are very close right...

-Yeah, well I guess why?

-OK, Y/n, I like you.


-I don't know why but since the day I saw you working with Pansy, I was very confused, you know that I can read minds right


-Well, I couldn't read yours, and when I was born the doctor told my dad that if I couldn't read someone's mind they would be my soulmate....

-I'm your what-


I was baffled but extremely pleased, I have had a felt something for him, but I didn't know what that feeling was, I guess it was love.... I am delighted, I finally found my soulmate.

-SO what do you say will you go out with me?

-I don't know do you like me because I am your soulmate or do you love me because of me?

-I love you for you, you make my days brighter and bring happiness in my life.


-What ?

-Ok, I'll give you a chance

He pulled me in a hug and put his head on my shoulders


-And that kiddos is how me and your daddy fell in love

-Another story! Another story!

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