Letter 8

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WE WELCOMED UR FIRST CHILD! We just welcomed a new child, well 2 new children, we, well  my wife gave birth to twins. It was 2 boys. They are named Alex and Charles. They are fucking adorable. The time in labor was difficult, my wife had a bit of problems with birth and had a C section. I was so stressed and my forehead was full of sweat. But we eventually ended u giving birth to 2 healthy boys. They have my wife's green eyes. They were born a bit smaller then regular babies, but at least they are still healthy. Each time I hold them in my arms, I feel a rush of joy in my body. I forgot to tell you but the baby room is absolutely gorgeous. We also renovated our house and I have to say it looks amazing.  It did cost a lot though, that was not very fun. My mom loved the house, and she often comes over to help my wife take care of the kids while I work. She also helped us redecorate. It wasn't a very joyful experience though. She has a very similar style to you, so when she decorated my house I could feel memories of us talking about our future home flooding into my brain.

Back to the children, I got to see their first step, their first word, Alex: dada and Charles: dama. Charles is definitely the most agile and Alex seems like the smart one. They would make a wonderful duo. 

I'll keep u updated

- Mattheo 

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