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I'm backkkk, I have a thing for sad things guys, sorry

In the heart of the wizarding world, amongst the chaos and wonder, I found a love as enchanting and tragic as a forbidden spell. Y/n Leblanc, a name that echoed amidst the towering walls of Hogwarts as often as it echoed within the confines of my heart. She was the one who made the magical world even more magical for me, her spirit as fierce as a dragon's breath, her heart as gentle as a unicorn.

We were young wizards when we first crossed paths. She, a muggle-born, new to the wonders of this world, and I, the son of Tom Riddle, carrying a legacy that was as infamous as it was daunting. Drawn together by a force stronger than any magic, we fell in love. Fell in love would be an understatement, for what I felt for Y/n Leblanc was something far beyond that. It was a connection that transcended the ordinary, a bond that intertwined our souls. It was a feeling so profound, so intense, that it couldn't be confined to the realms of mere love. It was an experience that changed me, that shaped me into the person I am today. It was a journey of discovering not just her, but also myself. To say I fell in love with Y/n Leblanc would be an understatement, for I didn't just fall in love with her, I found myself, my purpose, my universe in her.

Our love was an adventure, a magical journey filled with secret corridors, late-night treacle tart escapades, and stolen kisses under the enchanted ceiling in the Great Hall. But the world we lived in was a dangerous place, especially for a muggle-born like Y/n, and being associated with me only put her in a more perilous position.

The day we decided to part ways, we sat by the Black Lake, our hearts heavy with the weight of our decision. "I can't let you be in danger, Y/n," I confessed, my voice choked with emotion, barely above a whisper.Her eyes, usually sparkling with vivacity, welled up with tears. "But I love you, Mattheo," she replied, her voice trembling. "I don't want to leave you." Her words, laced with pain and love, struck me harder than any spell could.

I reached out, gently cradling her face. Our eyes met, and in that moment, it felt as if time stood still. "And I love you, Y/n," I replied, my voice thick with unshed tears. "Which is why you must go, but I promise I will find you again".  As those words left my mouth I kissed her.With tears streaming down our faces and hearts weighed down by the enormity of the moment, we said our goodbyes, each word echoing in the silent expanse around us.

Years passed and the war ended, but the promise of finding her again kept me going. I held onto the hope, onto the memory of her laughter, her sparkling eyes, and the love we shared. 

The war was hard and long, but my dad was killed, thus making us the victors. I was rejuvenated, and I knew what my next step had to be. During the war we were separated and I haven't seen her since the night at the Black lake. I was playing spies. I talked to everyone I knew and it was such a long process. when I finally tracked her down, two years after the war, I was met with the devastating news.

Y/n Leblanc, the girl who had occupied my heart for all these years, had passed away.  She died one year after the war from a accident. I was too late. The news hit me like an unforgivable curse, taking my breath away, leaving a void in me that nothing could fill. I had arrived too late. The world seemed to crumble around me, the weight of my loss heavier than the tallest mountain.

In the heart of the wizarding world, amidst the chaos and wonder, I had found a love that was as enchanting and tragic as a forbidden spell. Y/n Leblanc, a name that will forever echo in the halls of Hogwarts, and in the chambers of my heart. A love that was as beautiful as it was heartbreaking, as magical as it was painful. And now, all that remained were memories, a ghost of a love that was, a reminder of a time when magic was not just about spells and potions, but about a muggle-born girl with sparkling eyes and a heart full of love.

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