Chapter 1 - The meeting

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Since I won't work with the (-) for the dialogue, the 'text' will be used for thinking when in third person and "text" will be for speaking.

3rd person POV

The white-haired wanderer tried his best to outrun the Shogunate's army. He was supposed to stop at Liyue, but he was about to be caught.

'The only option now is to fight', he told himself.

His anemo vision proved very useful to get rid of the Shogunate's forces. But it still wasn't enough. He was surrounded: there's too many of them. The samurai admitted defeat, but...

Graceful lightning shot most of the soldiers. It looked like her lightning. A small boy, catalyst besides him, walked towards the white-haired boy and electrified the rest of the soldiers for them to fall down on the ground.

'What... happened...?', the wanderer told himself.

The purple-haired boy looked at the wanderer, expressionless.

"What are you doing here?", he asked.

The voice was calm, at the point of being intimidating. His eyes showed impatience for the time the wanderer took to answer.

"I'm being chased. I'm wanted by the Shogunate.", he then answered.

As the catalyst disappeared, the ravenette looked at the ground, and back at the wanderer. In a shy tone, he spoke again.

"I won't ask why... but I need to get to Liyue and if you try, no, even if you stay here, they'll find you. I can bring you with me, well, only if you need..."


"Yeah, I'd appreciate it", the wanderer answered.

There was a small silence and the white-haired boy finally answered what the ravenette wanted to know.

"U-um... I'm...

...I'm Kaedehara. Kaedehara Kazuha."

The other boy stood there, silent, and spoke.

"...Scaramouche. Alright, follow me."

The boy who called himself Scaramouche held Kazuha's wrist and dragged him to a small and unocupied boat next to the beach's shore.

'His hand is... warm', thought Kazuha. It felt comforting, like home. The boy couldn't help but blush during the trip.

"We're here."

The people riding the boat were masked, but the few people on the boat were from the city. Kazuha could tell, he recalled to see some of those faces when strolling around Tenshukakku.

Scaramouche dragged him to the edge of the boat without letting go of his wrist.

"Um, Scaram-"


The purple-haired boy's face reddens a bit after realizing he liked holding his arm. Still, he brushes those thoughts aside. For now.

There was an awkward and long silence. Kazuha wanted to talk to him.

But how-

"It's gonna be at least 3 days until we get to Liyue Harbor, and that's only if there isn't any complications.", said Scaramouche.

"Oh right, I should've expected that..."

"What are you, stupid?"

"Huh? Yeah, I guess I am..."

Scaramouche bonked Kazuha on the head, which made the wanderer giggle.

"What are you laughing for?", asked Scaramouche, flustered.

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