Chapter 9 - Taking care of you

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*Kazuha POV*
*A day later*

These last few days have been exciting. Not all good, but still exciting.
And luckily he survived through it all.

I can hear him breathe, but his heart doesn't beat. I don't understand much about him.

Is it normal for him? I do hope so. I wouldn't want him to be sick, or to have changed, because...

...I care about him.

He sleeps most of the time we're on the road. I usually carry him on my back. Good thing I've had a lot of experience as a wanderer, even though it almost costed me my life.
Still, he's came to save me, so I'll be the one to save him this time.

The owner of the inn said people were coming for us, and that it wasn't the Shogunate's army. I do hope it isn't the Shogunate's army, but if they're coming too, we're in big trouble.
I hope he's as strong as he says. I won't mind the extra help. And I won't mind a new partner, either.

Liyue is a beautiful but risky place. The presence of rocks and mountains makes sense, given the ruler of the land. It's like the thunder striking on Tatarasuna territory. Makes sense, since the Archon ruling Inazuma is the Electro Archon.

At least Rex Lapis cares about his people.

I heard muttering. He was slowly waking up. I went under one of the free tents - there's a lot of them in the wild - and I set him down on the ground.

I took the opportunity to change the bandages I put on his legs. At least they're healing.

His indigo eyes opened slowly. He gave me a weak smile, almost to tell me that he's okay. I smiled back at him.

"How are you feeling today?", I asked him, quietly.

He waited a while before saying something. Maybe he was too weak still. He's obviously lost a lot of blood. Especially after the bullet pierced his foot.

"I'm... doing okay. Thank you.", he answered, briefly.

With the cloth I keep tied to my waist, I rinsed his wounds with water and cleaned them with it. His face didn't show any pain, but it probably stings. Either he's really too tired, or he's showing his tough side.
I do hope it's not the latter, since I wouldn't laugh at him.
I hope he doesn't feel too embarrassed when around me.

He closed his eyes once again. I really do hope he's not trying to stay alive for me.
Still, he's not close to being a burden. I hope he gets that.

The sun was setting, it was late. I should normally try to rest, but I have to keep on lookout. I won't accept any harm to befall neither of us.
He did as such for me, earlier.

I sit back on the rock, besides him, and stare at the stars.

I don't remember them look so... pretty. They almost look surreal.

I wonder what's up with Scaramouche and stars. Because he clearly looks like he thinks something's wrong with them.

Guess that discussion will be for another time, then.

I feel like writing poetry for a bit.
The verses come to me so easily tonight.
I hope it'll be enough to make me stay awake this night.

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