Chapter 7 - The Way Out

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*3rd person POV*

"How's your leg today, Scara?"

The white-haired wanderer looked at his injured partner, lying on the floor.

"I'll be able to walk soon enough. Thank you, Kazuha."

It could be weird to think that Scaramouche would give in to an injury, but it was, indeed, the worst one he's had. At least, the worst one in years.
He was laying on the ground for a few days without being able to stand. The ground was all rocks, though, so it wasn't comfortable at all.

During that time, Kazuha practically took the role of a nurse, as he cleaned his wound at least every 3 hours. He also went to the surface to try and cook meals, because, well, no one can live without eating.

The samurai thought he was just repaying his debt to his injured partner. But he didn't understand that he was sticking with him because of how fond the boy was of the ravenette.

Scaramouche already understood how he appreciated being with Kazuha, though. It was easy to understand, because of all the emotions he felt during his existence, this one wasn't easy to distinguish. If anything, he didn't ever feel it.

Sadly, the investigation of Sal Terrae could not be concluded, since the salt blocked the hole and is currently unbreakable, big reason as of why it injured Scaramouche so much. Still, the Tsaritsa will have some information and that is enough to buy him some time.

The Gnoses of the Seven are the things that Tsaritsa is looking for. And Scaramouche knows that if they put their hand on the Electro Gnosis - Makoto's Gnosis - there is no chance for the puppet to take it back. Even though it's his property. Even though it's what he was designed for.

Even though he was discarded, it's his.

Going to Inazuma could've helped him get the Gnosis for himself and leave the Fatui, but that obviously couldn't have happened. La Signora was already there, it was too late for him to go undetected.

He was there though and the puppet felt like he finally had a heart. That was that, at least.

"Alright Scara, I finished cooking the lunch. That'll do for today, right?"

The white-haired wanderer arrived with some cooked fish.

"It looks good. Thanks for the lunch. And for taking care of me like that."

The wanderer smiled at Scaramouche and left to do his own plate of fish.

'When will I finally be able to give him a break...?', he asked himself.

It wasn't going to be anytime soon, that's for sure.

*Timeskip, a day later*
*3rd person POV*

"The wounds have starting to disappear. There'll be a bit of scars in some days, but I think I'm good to go.", the purple-haired boy said to Kazuha.

Kazuha checked his legs to see if it was good to go yet.

"Alright, if you can stand and you say you're okay, then I don't mind going now."

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