Chapter 5 - The Warning

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*3rd person POV*

"...Balladeer... please be careful.", whispered Min with a worried tone.

The one who appeared as a simple employee, nothing more, was a spy for the Fatui: more specifically, a spy for the 11th Fatui Harbinger, Tartaglia.
He was mainly in charge of supervising Liyue for the moment. So, having other Harbingers on the territory, especially Scaramouche, was quite a surprise for him.
But the thing that annoyed him the most was Scaramouche's new 'friend', Kazuha.
Tartaglia has his sources. And like any spy would do, Tartaglia got the news of Scaramouche rescuing a wanted samurai pretty easily. That is why the boat arrived to Liyue Harbor earlier than it would've been: Tartaglia ordered the people navigating the boat to ride during the night. That way, Scaramouche and his new partner would arrive earlier.

Min, who is awesomely paid by the Fatui, still worries a lot about the Balladeer. She may love that cocky attitude of his, but if there was one thing she'd want for him, it would be for him to be happy. She noticed how different he was since she last saw him. And that was because something— no, someone filled his heart.
The only thing she didn't know was how hard it was for someone to fill his heart, since he has none.

Her affection for the Balladeer could make her warn him. But she values her life too much, and her payment as well.

"That boy was never interested in me, he didn't even recognize me. But I care too much to let him die.", she whispered to herself.
"I didn't choose to do this. I hope you'll forgive me.", she completed.

She put a sign on the desk reading 'The inn is closed until 5:00 A.M. Come in tomorrow!". She turned the cardboard on the door from 'Open!' to 'Closed!', and locked the down.

Min got to her room, which was on the last floor and jumped on her bed.

"The Fatui, always so complicated with them. I hoped I never would've been caught into this mess to begin with."

As she relaxed, she easily fell asleep. The next move she will do has the chance to change the whole course of the story.

She only needs to choose her side.
One way or another, someone will be hurt anyways.

*Scaramouche POV*

I woke up early. Too early.
That one familiar voice in my head called my name so many times.
But not the name I'm used to.

That young, playful voice.
It always raised my spirits.
I finally felt like the hole I had was being filled.
I lost them.
I lost everyone. Everyone I care about.

"Who are you?"
The tears in my eyes, that day. I couldn't even see clearly.
"Hello, sir?"
"K-Kunikuzushi. T-that's my name."
I could barely whisper. I easily could've scared the child away.
They were shorter than me, but looked close to my age.
Well, the age of my physical appearance.
"What's wrong, Kunikuzushi?"
I couldn't tell him.
I couldn't tell anyone anything.
"Alright, you won't tell me anything...", they said.
"I'm gonna pass by here often. You might see more of me."
"Y-yeah.", I whispered.
And they left.

How long ago was it?
I can't tell.
But that person reminded me of someone.
Someone close to me.

I couldn't tell why the past was rising up so much these last few days, but I need to find out.

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