Chapter 18 - Our last peaceful day

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*Kazuha POV*

Scaramouche agreed with my crazy idea of going to the city to get Dango Milk, at my surprise. He didn't look ready to risk getting caught yesterday, but today, he seemed different. I wonder why he changed his mind.

Both of us ran away from the cave to get to the path of the city. Both of us talked on the way, the things we did, the best places we've seen, our favorite moments together.

"So, if there was one thing you liked best of the time we spent together, what would you say it is?", Scaramouche asked me.
"Hm... I guess just being with you made my days great.", I answered, bluntly.

I don't mind saying everything that's on my mind, as embarrassing as it is for both of us.

"...yeah, same here.", he said, to my surprise.

Now that was embarrassing.

"I do believe we'll create wonderful memories today, though.", he added.
"For sure!"

We walked in the city casually, without any fear of getting caught. No one seemed surprised to see us. Almost as if it was normal to see us, as if we fit in with the normal people.

I don't dislike that, though. In fact, it's pretty nice.

"Oh, over here!", said Scaramouche, pointing at a kiosk.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the place.

"Hi, we would like to buy some Dango Milk.", he asked to the person behind the kiosk.
"Yes, yes! How many?"
"Two of them, please. Oh, and do you sell some sakura mochi, too?"
"Yes, I make sakura mochi too. Two, again?"
"Yes, that's it. How many Mora?"
"2,000 Mora, please."

Scaramouche handed the payment to the cashier and after that, they immediately started working on the food.

He swiftly handed us some cups, which I inferred was Dango Milk. The little dango floating in the liquid was soothing to look at. While Scaramouche and I investigated the drink, the person was baking the pink mochi.

When they gave us the elegant looking mochi, Scaramouche and I placed our food at a table behind the kiosk.

"Woah, thanks for the treat, Scara!", I thanked him.
"Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy eating this."

When we finished the treats, we got up from the table and walked in town. A shop caught my eyes.

"Hey, hey, let's go over there!"

This time, I was the one dragging Scaramouche with me to the shop. It was a boutique, full of kimono patterns hanging down the walls.

"Welcome to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos, how may I help you?", said the pink-haired lady.
"Hi there! I'd like to know more about the kind of clothes you do here. Also, if anything is on sale right now, I'd like to buy.", I said.

The owner of the shop told us about the kimonos and all of the things she created in her shop.

"I use some patterns and tissues to create many things, but mainly kimonos.", she claimed.

And I got an idea, looking at certain models.

"Can you sell the tissues individually?", I asked her.
"Those that I have a lot of, I can sell."

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