Chapter 14 - The Kamisato Clan

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*Scaramouche POV*

"Hey, I have another idea."

That's what I said when Kazuha and I were both thinking it was the end for us. He looked at me, raising a brow.

"Didn't you say they weren't trustworthy?", Kazuha asked.
"I've met someone in Inazuma City just now."
"No, look, you know of the Kamisato Clan?"

Kazuha nodded. Still, he didn't seem like he wanted to listen much.

"Their eldest daughter, Ayaka. She recognized me from the soldier's description. And uh, she told us to flee to the Resistance."
"Which we can't do—"
"But! What if we go to Komore Teahouse?"
"Since that's the Kamisato Clan's headquarters."
"And how do you know?"
"Because I remember that it is the Clan's property."

I didn't want to argue, but we didn't have a choice. It was that, or the wilderness.

"I swear, if we're caught—"
"I will do everything I can for us to get out of this alive."
"I trust you. So... yeah, let's go then."
"Alright, follow me. Quietly."

I dragged him through the streets while covering us with the houses and building. When arrived at Komore Teahouse, I smiled to the woman in front of the house.

"Hi. Uh, can we meet Ayaka? I met her some time ago and we need some help."
"Oh. So you're... right. The housekeeper, Thoma. He will welcome you to the Teahouse and stay with you two until Lady Ayaka is free.", the woman said.
"Thank you.", Kazuha and I both said.

When we entered the house, we were greeted at first by a dog.

Kazuha went forward to pat the dog, for obvious reasons. It was all cute and fluffy. Kind of like...

To put an end to my thoughts was the arrival a tall figure. Their blond hair and red outfit complimented each other well. They wore a welcoming smile.

"So you two are the guests Lady Ayaka mentioned? Don't stand there, come in, come in.", said the man.

We did as the man said and followed him. The Komore Teahouse contained a few rooms, and that's where he placed us.

"I've heard that you two were trying to run away from the Shogun and it's armies. You'll be safe here for a while. Lady Ayaka will explain better than I do. Oh, and call me Thoma."

He walked out after introducing himself. And there was an awkward silence.

It was like the first time we met.

Why? Why couldn't I say something?

Was it guilt? Or—

"This reminds me of the first time we met.", said Kazuha, chuckling.

I looked at him. His eyes looked sad, almost. And also a hint of nostalgia, maybe.

"I remember I wanted to speak up. But I was too shy to do so. Also a bit guilty since you rescued me, but I wanted to ask you about your life and stuff. Your eyes were almost empty at the time. So I understood you wouldn't talk about that sort of stuff.", he continued.

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