Chapter 10 - Bubu Pharmacy

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*The next day*
*Kazuha POV*

I finally decided to wake up. That was the best rest I've had from these last few days. For obvious reasons, really.
Scaramouche was already up. When he saw I was awake, he waved at me and smiled.

"Good morning, Kazuha.", he greeted me, with a calm tone.
"Good morning, Scara. How are you today?"
"I'm going to be able to walk by myself today.", he answered.
"Are you sure you're okay this time?", I asked, just to be sure.

He ran his hand through my ruffled hair and gave me a sincere smile.

"Don't worry, I'm good. Really."

I wish he could keep that smile forever. I hope he'll be able to. I want him to.

"Alright, but if you're ever dizzy or feeling weak, I'll help you out.", I added. "I'm gonna get changed, wait for me."

I went to the bathroom and changed into my usual kimono. I tied my casual clothes to my belt and got out of the bathroom to see Scaramouche looking out at the window.

He looked like there was something troubling him. Actually, I'm sure of that. I know what it's like, since I'm the same way.
I just hope he trusts me enough to tell me about it when he'll be ready.

"Are you ready?", I asked him.
"Yeah, let's go then.", he answered.

We climbed down the stairs and arrived at the lobby, Min waved at us, still with that same smile.

I followed Scaramouche through the crowds: Liyue Harbor is always so full of people. I also heard that the Lantern Rite was going to happen soon. If we have time, I'd like to see it. I mean, who knows if I'll be alive to see another Lantern Rite? Scaramouche and I are in so much danger that I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to live another year.
I ought to stay positive, though. If I keep saying we'll die, we really will.

We walked up the stairs and up to the counter, but there wasn't anyone. The cashier from yesterday wasn't here.

"Um, hello?", I asked, hesitantly.

There was no answer. That "Baizhu" was supposed to be here, but maybe he's late or something. We were about to leave until we heard a small, almost lazy, voice.

"Do you have a prescription?"

We looked around. No one was there.

"Over here."

Scaramouche decided to look under the counter. And there it was. A small silhouette.

They wore a weird hat with was seemed to be a talisman hanging from it. Their skin looked inhuman: it had a blue tone to it. Their clothes added to their blue hair and bluish skin tone. They were just... blue.

Actually, it looked like a small girl.

"Who are you?", asks Scaramouche, seemingly wary about her.
"Qiqi is Qiqi. Qiqi is zombie.", she replied.

(*omfg you guys I'm sorry, I don't use Qiqi and I don't remember how she talks, bear with me pls*)

I decided to trust her, she looked like she worked there.

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