Chapter 11 - Fireworks

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*Kazuha POV*

We climbed up a tall mountain saw Liyue Harbor from high up. I could tell Scaramouche was scared. He was scared of losing me.

I am, too, scared of losing him. Because I'm not sure that, if his story is as bad as it seems, I'll be able to stay alongside him.

"The fireworks ought to start soon.", he said, calmly.

I held his hand.

"We spent enough time together to accept each other. So please, get rid of that burden."

The purple-haired boy closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Before I was known as Scaramouche...
...I was named Kunikuzushi.
And as for what I am...
...I am a puppet, created by the Ei, the Electro Archon, who was cast away after crying during my creation.
You probably don't know that, but the Raiden Shogun is a puppet created by Raiden Ei, the Archon. I was a byproduct of creating the Shogun. I was made to hold an Archon's heart, called a Gnosis. During my creation, I cried, and Ei thought I was too weak, so she had me slumber in Shakkei Pavilion, in Tatarasuna. I awakened, probably because I was not well programmed by her, and roamed Inazuma for years. I was fond of Inazuma. I loved it so much, it was peaceful. Until I remembered about her. For her, I am but a ruined experiment, and so when the Shogun started the Vision Hunt Decree and the Sakoku Decree, I decided to rebel against the Shogun's orders. As a Fatui Harbinger... I wasn't supposed to be against those. But I'm not Fatui. At least, I don't have the soul of one. I wanted the Gnosis, since it's supposed to be my heart, but another Fatui Harbinger caught up to me and I gave up on it. Still... you were there. And you gave me the will to explore, to protect, to live. So I wanted to give up on the Fatui, on my fight against the Shogun, and I would just like to continue exploring this world with you."

He stopped for a bit, and added a last part to what he said.

"I know it's too late for that, though. I'm so sorry."

He was about to leave, until I held his arm.

"What are you doing? I don't deserve you!", he shouted, eyes full of tears.

The information was rushing so fast in my head. I didn't know what to answer, but I didn't want to be alone.
I didn't want to lose him.

"I don't care! You could be a monster for all I care! I don't hate you, and I don't want you to leave me! Because..."

"...because you make me want to live, too! If the Shogunate's soldiers killed me, I wouldn't have minded. But with you, I don't want to die! I want to stay with you, for as long as we have to live, even if it's too late."

I was out of breath, but I had to make him understand I care about him.

"So please! Don't leave yet!"

I felt tears forming. I felt like screaming, like crying, like laughing. What was going on with me?

And then came warmth. Comforting, nostalgic, loving. And gentle tears falling down my hair.

Scaramouche hugged me, and we stayed like that for a while. The loud sounds of the fireworks started, and we both turned around to look at them.

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