Chapter 12 - Runaway

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*Scaramouche POV*
*One day later*

I started packing my stuff as quickly as possible. Everything's going so fast, it's hard to keep track. I get Childe trying to help me but...

Well, first of all, how did he even know the room in which we stayed? And why help me? I annoy him as much as possible, he probably hates me like everyone.
I do trust his info, but... there's obviously something going on behind this. No way he would try to help Kazuha in any way, the Tsaritsa is probably against him joining me, and there's no way Childe would go against Her will.

I didn't feel like sleeping. It was stressful. Like, we're trying to outrun trouble since arriving to Liyue, we never got a peaceful moment.

I don't believe in any gods, but... please, this time...

Make him come out alive.

I swear, if someone catches him, I don't mind dying for him.

I can't live alone like that. And no way am I leaving him like that.

I'll just have to die, too.

"Oi, Scara-"

That calm voice called out from behind. How I wish I could be calm like him.

"Scara, stop rushing. I have an idea."

I looked at him. His ruffled, untied hair is all over the place, his eyes look tired, but he still stares at me with conviction.

"Scara, what if we lure out the Shogunate soldiers of the boat, to then steal it?"

I didn't think of that. It might just be a good idea.

"Alright, we can try that. Thanks for the idea, Kazuha."

I continued packing my things, and I heard him sigh.

"Won't you ever stop stressing out?"
"What, do you have a better idea?", I shouted.

Kazuha stared in nothingness. I didn't want to raise my voice, especially not to hurt him.

"I'm sorry. You're right, we should get going as fast as possible."
"Kazuha- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."
"I know you didn't sleep yesterday, I felt it. I know it's because you're stressed about our safety. I can defend myself and you can, too. That's why a rested warrior is better than a tired warrior: I can't count on you if you're too tired."
"I'll continue packing your stuff. Take a nap or something. I'll warn you when they're here."

I decided to do as he said and lay down on the bed. My eyes closed easily.

I felt my eyes were humid. I was crying.
I was crouched and my hair fell on the ground.

Is it another lost memory?

There were some hilichurls running around, some wanderers killing them, almost like a game.
They don't know how these are people from a long lost civilization. But I let it go. It wasn't worth the trouble.

One wanderer was sitting on a pile of rocks. Their hair was brushing in the wind. They didn't look like they wanted trouble with monsters, they only looked like they wanted to rest.

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