The Final Chapter - When We Part Ways

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*Scaramouche POV*
*A day later*

I easily fell asleep and for once, no nightmare. I woke up earlier than Kazuha, at my surprise, but I was happy for him. After all, he must've been tired with all the running around we did yesterday.

It was cloudy today, probably going to rain soon enough. We should stay here for cover.

'Clank, clank, clank'

The sound of metal clanking, of spears hitting the ground.

They found us already?

I grabbed Kazuha in my arms without trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes slowly and sighed.

"...already...?", he asked, yawning afterwards.
"Don't worry, they won't catch up to us."

I ran as fast as I could, I was out of breath. Eventually, when I saw they gave up on chasing us, I started slowing down but I was still hoping to find a spot I could go to.

I walked, and walked, and walked. Eventually, I felt a droplet, another one. And then, it was raining.

Kazuha opened his eyes once more when the rain fell on him. I looked around me for a place we could stay, to wait for the rain to pass.

I walked a bit and saw another desert tent. There's way too much of them everywhere in Teyvat, can't say it's an inconvenience though.

I put Kazuha down on the ground. He finally seemed well awake. I sat at my turn besides him.

All we could hear is the rain falling on the tent's tissue.

A wave of guilt hit me all of a sudden. I hid my head in my arms.

I just felt like apologizing to him.

"I'm sorry we're stuck in this situation."
"Why are you apologizing? We already forgave ourselves."
"I know, I just feel like it."

Kazuha sighed, and smiled.

"How I wish I could've done more with you."
"Me too."

I felt like tearing up.

"I'm so sorry..."
"Don't worry, Scara. After all, I—"

It was unexplainable.

I didn't feel it hurt.

It was much more.

And there was red, once again.

Am I the one that got the arrow? Am I the one that received it?

My throat was stuck. I couldn't say anything.

It's like if I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.

But why?

Why did it have to happen to him?

In front of me was a tall man I considered a comrade. Their ginger hair complimented their gray, Snezhnayan outfit.

And they just killed the person I cared about the most.

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