Chapter 3

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The sun is brighter here he noticed. How the rays feel harsher in the cool morning sun than they would back up in London. In a way, he appreciated that about Florida as he would normally be awake during the night to be able to talk and hang with his friends, now able to enjoy the bright sun.

The turned a corner but kept going to the destination of which to meet Dream at, curious what this place would be and why he chose there specifically. Ideas flood through his head but he tries not to theorise as there is no point because he is only ten minutes away according to google maps and will know in no time. 

He figured he could just check that the place was if he zoomed in but figured what the fun was in that, almost enjoying that Dream left it a secret. He breathed in the humidified air and kept on his way watching his surroundings, watching people on runs or walking dogs, everyone was so cheery, they picked out a very good neighbourhood. 

He made his final turn and he could see the place he was supposed to go as it had flowerbeds in the windows and a sign above the door. 

Coco Bean Cafe and Bakery

He brought his note out checking the address, seeing the same numbers on the building. He scoffed at the name, knowing that it being a cafe there would be many couples all over each other in there. Probably lovey dovey hearts all over the counters and strung with lights due to the holiday. He takes a deep breath and walks in, hearing the bell above him chime as he opens the door, alerting the baristas that someone came in. 

He looked around seeing the hearts around the counters like he knew there would be there, but there were also way less than he expected. The cafe inside had a warm interior opposite from it's white building the inside assuming a dark brown wooden panelling wrapping around the walls and grey tiling on the floor. George smiled at the warm and welcoming atmosphere.

There were also sofas and booths among tables with normal chairs, a lot of the places taken up already. Fake vines hung from a side wall and painted pictures where windows weren't. The place was cosy, somewhere he would of probably loved to do homework if he was younger. 

There was the normal cafe chatter amongst the lofi piano jazz creating a somewhat soothing atmosphere mixing with the smell of teas and coffees,  not his favourite but relaxing nonetheless. Let alone the smell of the bakery overpowered it tenfold. 

Now he takes a look at the people, the faces trying to find the reason why he is here, it takes him a while, but he should of expected seeing him in one of the back corners as he was there promptly looking at him waiting for George to notice him.

George tries not to laugh at himself as he makes his way over to the booth Dream was seated at. Dream is looking up at him expectantly as George goes to sit across from him, however he doesn't say anything, just looks up at the short brunet across from him. 

"What?" George questions trying to break the awkward tension in the room with a chuckle.

"Good morning." Dream finally says completely composed which sounds awkward to George, concerned why he is acting this way. 

"Good morning?" He says, making it sound like a question. "Why are we here Dream?" 

It's Dream's turn to chuckle as he finally looks away from George and at the people around the cafe, watching the distant chatter before coming back to his own. 

"Obviously to have breakfast with me at a cafe." He explains like it is in front of George's face and he wasn't technically wrong, he cocks his head to the side and smirks playing innocent. "What does it look like?"

George catches onto his behaviour and rolls his eyes driving Dream to chuckle at the brunet's dramatics. 

"I get that we are having breakfast here. But why here? And today?" George dumps the questions plaguing his mind.  "You do know what day it is right?" 

"February 14th." Dream smiles even wider in his immediate response, ignoring the other questions he was being asked. "Would you like anything to drink or eat? I could get it for you."

George sighs in defeat and drives the heels of his palms into his eye sockets at how difficult Dream was being. 

"Sure. A hot chocolate and maybe a jelly filled croissant please." he responds defeated.

Dream quickly gets up and puts his hand on George's shoulder before ordering. 

"Thank you for coming, by the way. I really appreciate it." He mutters before leaving to the counter.

George takes this moment to think through what the fuck is going on and why Dream is acting this way, however smiling realising that he will willing to get bombarded by fans just to hang out outside of the house for an hour or two. He knew it took a lot of of Dream when that happened, George being used to it by now.

February Fourteenth | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now