Chapter 12

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After the whole... Heatwaves fiasco it wasn't much longer till they reached the last place of the night before heading home. The stars were already shining through the dark abyss as the city lights shone brighter. 

Dream parked right outside of the diner and sat in the car for a moment, looking over at George who was in awe of the place. George's eyes were blown and his mouth agape slightly, waking up from his daze when Dream gives his hand a light squeeze. 

George has been to diners before but not one dedicated to the 1960s kinds of diners. Looking through the windows he could see the neon lighting, red and white furniture. He has learnt slightly about American history in grade school and have seen these type of diners but didn't know they still existed in America. 

Once he gets out of his daze he looks over at Dream who has a goofy smile on my face and George can't help but be bashful at the golden eyes staring back at him. 

"What?" He questions, bringing his attention back on the diner in front of him.

"Nothing, you just look pretty. Hungry?" Dream questions which brings George back even more. Sure Dream has complemented his appearance an abundance of times but that one felt... different. He knew why but he doesn't want to believe it, not yet at least. 

"Um, sure. I'm always hungry." George shyly speaks with a chuckle at the end, Dream shakes his head and smiles too. Opening his door with George doing the same. 

One of George's new favourite foods since living in America is burgers. Yes basic ass burgers but can you blame him? America did them well. It was also the first thing he ate when he landed, having a sentimental value to them so he was glad to have one again. They walked into the diner, a bell ringing above them when the door opened and took a seat at one of the booths. It wasn't long till a waiter brought them their menus and diapered behind the counter again talking to another customer. 

"What are you getting?" Dream asked over his menu, only seeing George's head of hair over his menu. 

"Just a burger and fries probably, you?" George answers, closing the menu in front of him. 

"Same." Dream said with a smirk. "So, how has your day been so far? As bad as he old valentines day?"

"Worse actually." George huffs and places his head in his hands with a huff, only adding to the dramatics. 

Dream laughed and shook his head at the idiot in front of him. When George made eye contact with him, his grin grew larger and so did George's. He put his own head in his hand, mirroring George.

"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment." He says with a goofy smile on his face. 

"You should be." George joined into the playful banter.

They sat there like that, bickering back and forth with cheesy smiles on their faces, green eyes looking into brown, escaping the world around them so it was just to two of them.

"Are you two ready to order?" A voice jolts them both out of their trance and look up at the same women that gave them the menus. They take a moment to laugh off the initial scare before ordering. 

"Just a burger meal with fries please." George orders first, his over politeness making Dream hold back a laugh. He noticed that when George orders something or talks to someone new his voice goes higher and you can hear him trying to sound nice, his accent gets thicker too which is just adorable to say the least. 

"And I'll have the same thing." Dream says with a smile. "However can you add a milkshake to that, vanilla."Dream looks over to see George confused and looks back up at the waitress. "Two straws please." 

She smiles down at them after scribbling the order down in her notebook. "Your food will be here shortly."

As she walks away she winks over at Dream, not in a flirty way, but a knowing one which makes Dream airily chuckle. He watches as she turns to jukebox on to another, more popular slow song before looking back at Dream, giving him a nod, and going back to her spot behind the counter. 

"I didn't know they had milkshakes." George explained as he looks back at Dream, ignorant to the interaction that just happened in front of him. 

"That's why we can share idiot." Dream says, however it doesn't keep his focus for long as what the women did sticks in his mind. He knows what she is implying him to do but doesn't know if that is exactly what he or George would want to do. 

However, all his advances have worked out today, there wasn't harm in trying again right? 

"Hey George." He calls out. 

"Yeah?" George looks back at him, head tilted slightly and big brown eyes looking up at him. 

"Would you, would you wanna dance?"

February Fourteenth | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now