Chapter 13

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"Would you, would you wanna dance?"

George looks up at him and then around at the rest of the diner questioning if Dream was being serious or not with so many people in here. When he looked back up at Dream his eyes told him he wasn't joking. He took a deep breath and grabbed onto Dream's hand that was offered out to him. 

"You're an idiot you know that?" George asks when he is standing next to Dream, hands interlocked. 

"If being an idiot means I get to dance with you, I am perfectly fine with that." Dream explains and then softly wraps his empty hand around George's waist, George taking the queue to wrap his around the back of Dream's neck. 

Dream started swaying, taking George with him back and forth, slowly separating their hands to go to the rightful position on each other. George looked up to Dream's big golden eyes with a smile developing on his lips, a sheet up tulip pink flushing his cheeks.

"Is now a bad time to tell you I don't know how to dance?" George says awkwardly, trying to swiftly keep up with Dream's movements. 

"Is it a bad time to tell you that I'm leading and you don't need to worry about that." Dream speaks in a fond mock. "Plus, you are doing great."

George shies away quickly to look at their feet at the complement, he's never been at taking a complement, but his bashfulness has to end quickly as Dream unwraps an arm from George's waist to George's chin and lifting it up so they meet eye to eye.

"Quick tip, to dance you have to keep eye contact with your partner." Dream quips with a bright smile on his face. 

George rolls his eyes but continues to keep his head up as he feels the blush taking over his face as the golden eyes stare into his with fondness. 

The world disappears around them as they keep eye contact, swaying around to the music on the jukebox. Cheesy? One hundred percent but neither of them seemed to care for this fact as they were too far under each others spells. 

The song begins to dissipate and their moving goes slower until it stops all together, still in each others embrace, staring into each others eyes.  

George didn't know why or when he got so bold but he did nonetheless. It wasn't a moment later when George closed the distance, stepping onto his tippy toes, and planting a kiss on Dream's lips. 

It was short and sweet, definitely caught Dream by surprise as he ended up not kissing George back. George noticed this and backed out of the embrace quickly but Dream kept his hold around George's waist, making George look up at him once again. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It was weird." George rambled on, but it didn't continue for long as Dream was the one to break the distance, leaning down and kissing him. 

It was longer than the one George initiated and instead of sweet, it was passionate. Dream brought a hand up to George's face and George doing the same. Holding each other in the moment before breaking for air. 

Once they did they quickly remembered where they were and their faces exploded in red, not only from the kiss but by the few people giving them weird looks. They sat back into their booth, George across from Dream, neither looking at each other as they thought about the moment they just shared.

Both of them had the same thoughts, they both loved each other and wanted to do that again but didn't voice it. It was new, different, but they craved it. 

The women from before interrupted their thoughts as she brought in their meals and the single milkshake with two straws. 

They thank her before she leaves and digs into their meals, looking over at each other from time to time as they eat their burgers and fries in happy silence. When they meet eye contact from time to time they smile at each other giving each other reassurance that what just happened was wanted by the both of them. Plus the meal was delicious. 

Dream is the first to take a sip out of the single milkshake before putting it back in the centre of the table, almost teasing George to take a sip but he goes back to his fries bashful. Sure they were just kissing so sharing a drink wouldn't be much of a difference, but it felt final. Like if George were to take a sip of the milkshake calling his name then they will be officially together. George didn't mind the idea of it but it was so definite. He ended up finishing his whole meal before actually taking a sip after he sat there contemplating it for five minutes. 

After both of their meals were finished they -Dream- payed and tipped the waiter before getting back in the car. Both getting seated in their spots, buckling up, but this time Dream didn't turn the car on.  George was curious why but it didn't take long to figure it out. 

"I'm sorry if things are weird between us now." Dream says in a hushed voice, looking down at the steering wheel. 

George looked over at the side of his head confused and waited for Dream to look back at him to see what Dream was talking about but he didn't say anything, just sat there and waited for George to say something. 

"Nothing is weird between us. Different maybe, but not weird." George explains calmly, because he meant it. He felt like this was supposed to happen, it just mattered on when. It all felt too perfect to be some sort of mistake or accident. He felt whole again after so many years.  

"But you basically didn't say anything after the, the um." Dream's voice tailed off which made George giggle. 

"I was just startled that I did that, i'm fine. Plus I initiated it. Now lets go home before Sapnap thinks we are dead somewhere, we don't go out this long as it is."

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