Chapter 10

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Dream understood that George can't comfort as well as he would like, knowing how hard words could come to him when deeper emotions were involved, or what he would like to say 'being too wholesome'. He also understood that it was in the past, yeah it hurt every once and a while but he has mainly gotten over it and it made him grow stronger.

Silence passes as they continue to sit on the ledge of the top of the school, eating their ice cream and enjoying each other's company. Dream thinks back to the day they have had so far, first the cafe where he looked stunning, then the beach playing in the water then talking on the sand, and now here. He never thought he would share that about his past but he's glad he did, and so was someone else. 

"Thank you for telling me." George said out of the blue, looking over at the other. Dream looked down at him and smiled, watching George's lips flip into a bright smile as well. 

"Of course." He simply answers before sitting back onto the building before lying down. George watches then does the same, lying beside Dream as they both watch the clouds go by above them.

Th e clouds rolled by above them, a small amount, but still there nonetheless leaving streaky blobs of white where ever they may be across the baby blue and sunny sky.

The world is so peaceful when you have nothing left on your shoulders. The world is peaceful when you are with the people you love, Dream related heavily to this lately. With all of his friends together in real life and YouTube career continuing to sky rocket what else would he want.

Well, he did want the boy beside him. He felt so close yet so far after all these years, he just wanted to call him his. However, without knowing what the other wanted he didn't know what to do. 

He wanted to test it though, and Dream feeling brave, tried to test it out. Only for a second, and if rejected he can just go back to getting rid of these feelings and being done with it as a whole. He could easily play it off as a joke as they already did with their flirting and banter.

He inched his right hand closer to George's lying against his side as they looked up at the clouds, continuing until he feels the faint touch of the other. It was close enough to reach out to grab at any moment but the warmth coming from it made his stomach swarm with butterflies. 

He quickly swallowed them down and grabbed his hand slowly as to no startle him, intertwining his fingers with George's and held on just enough to keep them together, if George wanted to separate them he could. But George didn't. 

George on the other hand was trying to keep his heart rate and breathing normal, just in case Dream could tell in one way or another. His hand burned while incased with the others, his noticeably smaller and he didn't have to look down to know that. He felt a pit of warmth fill his heart unlike the butterflies that Dream felt. George felt whole.

Dream smiled when he noticed George slowly relaxing in his touch as he rubbed circles with his thumb. 

"I'm surprised." Dream states, although it comes out as a whisper. He didn't mean for it to come out like that, but the way it did sounded almost vulnerable. He was vulnerable, the only people that knew about his little crush on his best friend was Sapnap and his Mom and they only figured out by how excited he was when George was able to finally move.

"Why?" He questions with the same softness to his voice, looking over at the blond.

"I thought you wouldn't let me do, well you know. This." He says holding up their connected hand before letting it set back on the roof underneath them. 

George looks at their hands and then back up at Dream's face. "How would you know unless you did it." He questions smiling at the golden eyed boy. 

Dream just chuckles, at a loss of words at the intimate interaction. Even if it was just holding hands and talking, the soft whisper they spoke in made it all the more special and close. A warm blush spread over his face.

George squeezed his hand and looked back up to the clouds with fondness written all over his face. And there I was thinking he couldn't get any cuter.

February Fourteenth | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now