Chapter 2

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George has never really been one for the lovey dovey crap that comes with the month of February. The idea that there was a whole holiday to celebrate a romantic relationship between two people was off putting. 'Capitalism at it's finest' he eventually came up with and that was that. Who needed a holiday to celebrate loved ones when Birthdays and Christmas is basically that but with a better dinner and with even more loved ones. So when Sapnap said that today was the day, February 14th, he had to roll his eyes. 

Of course Dream would want to do something on the holiday George didn't even celebrate let alone enjoy. Could be the scrooge in him or poor outcomes with his past with the date of February 14th but that didn't matter. He was about to call this whole scavenger hunt off so he didn't have to go through the ordeal and call him but a part of him couldn't let that happen. It was mysterious and intriguing to say the least.

Sure he would have to go out on the one day of the year he would rather not, but he and Dream have never been able to hang out outside of the house without having the worry of a face reveal or people crowding them, so maybe this would be the one chance they would be able to hang without all of the drama as everyone will be distracted by their own partners. 

He quickly grabbed his phone, put some music on and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair. As he looked in the mirror he saw a cheery smile on his face that he wiped off the second he noticed. Why he was so happy to go out on valentines day? He wouldn't and doesn't want to know even though his subconscious is screaming it at him. 

He went through his routine quickly, thanking whatever is above that Sapnap didn't try to come in and bother him about going out with Dream as he does often. Recalling the one time he and Dream were downstairs watching a Spiderman film while Sapnap was on call with Karl and being a dick about it for a week after saying we were cuddling and making out in the dark room. Real thing we all should be asking here is why would you watch a movie in a lit up room?

Drying his face he made his way downstairs and actually grabbed a snack this time and pulled his phone out of his pocket. 

U actually want me to come to this random address???

He puts down my phone and took a bite of the apple as Patches came in and jumped on the counter. She purred as he pet her waiting for Dream to reply. She was a pretty cat but it only made him miss Cat more. 

Suddenly his phone buzzed a few times and he picked it up again. 

why would i ask you to come otherwise???

He roll my eyes at his comment. 

I'll be there soon ig

He puts his phone back down and finishes his apple before throwing the core in the rubbish bin.

"What will we ever do with him Patches?" He questions, she meows in response making him laugh. "That's what I'm saying, you're so smart." He cooed, booping her on the nose. 

He went into the cupboard where all of Patches things were and brought out a little bag of treats out giving her two before putting it back.

"Now don't tell Dream, he will have my head if he knew about it. Just throught you deserved a birthday treat." He says giggling before going back upstairs to Sapnap's door to knock on it. 

"Come in." Sapnap says and he does, seeing him already at his gaming set up, he never stops playing games does he. It's like he's making up for the time where he couldn't play to study when he was younger as his mom would get on his ass if he didn't get good marks. 

"I'm going out so your left with Patches, don't let her die." He says simply before closing the door behind him. 

He grabs his keys, wallet, phone, and lastly the note with the address, putting it into google maps realising it was in walking distance, thank god. He says one last goodbye to Patches and is out the door into the chilly February air. 

Not that it is really chilly at all as London is way worse at this time of year but the wind brushes past his cheeks giving them a red glow as he looks down at his phone and starts walking down the street.

February Fourteenth | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now