Chapter 7

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George's eyes twinkle as he looks upon the sunny and blue horizon. The deep blues of the water and baby blue of the sky, beige sand under his feet and trees surrounding the small secluded beach that only had him and Dream. It looked like one of those fairytale beaches that you would think of in Peter Pan, it was magical.

"Pretty right? Sapnap and I found it on one time while we were driving just to get some fresh air away from media and work." Dream explains, now standing calmly beside the smaller. He looks around the beach as well, it was prettier than it was when they found it a few months ago. 

Sure it may be a little cold to go to the beach but he wouldn't let that ruin it. It never got too cold in Florida anyways and the water is normally warmer anyways due to the sun warming it up. Dream digs into the bags quickly, bringing out two of the swimsuits he brought with and passes one to George. 

"Here." he says handing it over, then nodding to the bathrooms not too far away. "Lets get dressed to go swimming." 

George didn't have the heart to say no although he knows it will be freezing when he steps a foot into the ocean water. He has never been outside of Orlando since he got to Florida and the peace and quiet that filled the world around them was something he hasn't become accustomed to from living in busy cities all of his life. Let alone having loud friends.

He follows Dream down to the washroom shack and gets changed quickly, holding his other clothes he just wore in his hand before walking out and waiting for Dream. There was a slight breeze in the air, enhancing his senses when he could smell the salty water. Everything felt fresh and new here and he wasn't complaining one bit. Nothing like the beaches in England.

Dream comes out a minute later, grabbing George's clothes from him to put back in the bag before doing something that George should of expected by now. 

He swiftly picked George up and pulled him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, making George sequel as he tried to squirm out of his grasp. Dream held on tighter and ran towards the water. This wasn't the first time Dream picked the brunet up to go somewhere or do something without the others permission, sometimes he would get sick of his sass and just bring him. George starts silently cursing himself for being so light, however doesn't mind the quick transport as he got a good view. What can he say... an dumptruck is a dumptruck, whats the harm in admiring one.  

Dream's feet reach the meet between the ocean waves and rough dry sand underneath him and takes a step in, it was cold but nothing that he wasn't used to when it comes to ocean swimming. He has been doing it for years with his family, even contemplating about learning how to surf once due to the peaceful atmosphere swimming makes for him. 

George quickly gauged what Dream is doing and starts squirming again. "You are not throwing me in there!" George shouts in protest, lightly punching Dream's back to let him go. 

Dream laughs at the attempt and only gets deeper in the water, making George squirm to get off faster. It is not that he didn't want to go into the water, he just didn't want to go in all at once. 

Before George realises it Dream takes him off of his shoulder and plunges him into the water, immediately making George breathless by the sudden change of temperature. 

"Holy shit!" George yells as he tries to get his barrings. The water only went up to his hips but he felt submerged into the water.

"Not that cold right? It's quite warm actually." Dream teases as he looks down at a pissed George, arms crossed across his unclothed chest with his eyebrows knit together. Sun kissed skin literally glowing in contrast to the dark blue water and Dream couldn't help but stair at his friends chest before getting interrupted.

"I hate you." The brunet blankly states and turns around to have his back towards Dream, once he did he let a small smile appear on his lips. He didn't actually hate it, yeah it was could but nothing more than that. 

Dream let out a gasp at George's words and splashed his back, sending chills up George's back and made him whip around to give Dream a stink eye. It only made Dream laugh even more so he started splashing him back which ended up in a full blown war. 

Dream, having bigger hands and longer arms were able to send bigger waves and splashes at George who was set on winning no matter what. Both people already soaking as they continued to splash each other until they had to catch their breathes, both laughing at the their childish play fight.

Dream ends up fully submerging underwater to fix his hair and George does the the same. It wasn't as cold as it was before, their bodies getting used to the water. When George comes back up Dream is still underwater. When George starts to look around for him he suddenly feels a tug on his legs and then someone underneath him. 

As the blond comes out of the water George is sat on his shoulders laughing his ass off about what was happening as Dream held onto George's ankles to support him.

"Your an idiot." George can't help but say, his face flushing once again, glad that Dream couldn't see it in this position. 

"I'm your idiot." Dream reiterates. 

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