Chapter 8

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Dream lets George fall off his shoulders and back into the lapiz blue water as he welcomes the new warmth both the water and George being close to him provide. 

He looked down at the brunet in question, watching as the water made his body glisten even more in the sunlight as his bright smiling face was nearly as bright as the sun. He was a simp, many people have called him that, but was moments like this where he noticed it more so himself.

The quiet peaceful waves surrounded them and connection they held without even speaking a word to one another. They have always truly held a connection however he has only grown to learn overtime what that connection really meant to them.

Before they started to wrinkle up from being in the water for too long Dream suggested they go back to the beach which George smiled and nodded at. He hated the texture his skin becomes in the water, no matter how peaceful the blue was around him. 

When they got back to the sand Dream wrapped a towel around George's shoulders and up a bigger one down on the sand before grabbing his own, making a place to sit for the two of them before leaving back to the car.

"I'll be back in a second." Dream said before disappearing past some trees to the car. 

George took the moment to sit down on the beach towel and watch the waves that rolled up to shore with a quiet roar. He has always loved the beach, well the idea of it. The sand between his toes, the sunny day overhead. Sure he has never been to this kind of beach before but he knew he would like it since he has heard of them when he was young. All the beaches back home will filled with small stones that haven't fully eroded into sand yet.

When Dream got back from the car he wordlessly sat down beside George as to not disturb him and pulled out a few sandwiches and fruit from a cooler, passing a sandwich to the brunet. 

George brought his gaze from the surroundings to the boy beside him handing him a sandwich that he took gratefully. He was sure it was passed noon by now and was dying for something to eat. 

"When did you set this all up?" George couldn't help but the question to escape his mind. He has been wondering this for a while. Last night they were all watching a movie that Sapnap has forced them to watch and then went into our rooms late at night. 

Dream shrugs at this. "Just got up early." He bashfully explains, he did get up a tad early, like at 5am even knowing George wouldn't be up till 8 at least. "But I had this idea for a while now." 

"Really?" George looks up into the golden eyes confused, tone laced in excitement. He never mentioned about having a day out to ourselves, but I mean I guess that was the whole point of a surprise.

Dream's cheeks where now growing a rose colour as he continued to get questioned by George, hoping that he could just blame it on the sun rays. "Yeah." 

The brunet just hummed and took a bite of his BL without the T, he didn't like tomatoes and was happy when he noticed that Dream remembered that. It was endearing to him that Dream remembered the minor details about him and his life, he always wondered how he keeps them all up in there. 

They let a calm silence fill the space as they ate, taking in the world around them, it felt like it was just the two of them in the world left. No phones, no music, just each other on top of the beach sand, watching the sun shine and waves ripple. 

"I really liked this girl back home a few years back. I thought she liked me too." George starts after he finished his sandwich and quickly eats a grape before continuing, however that didn't happen.

Dream was confused at first before going wide eyed as he understood what George was trying to tell him. "You don't have to tell me, it's fine George." Dream reassured as he looks over at George whose eyes stayed looking at the ocean. The same ocean that has kept them apart for so many years. 

"It's fine, I want to tell you. No secrets, remember?" I let out a small chuckle, feeling incredibly vulnerable at this time even though he was the one to bring it up. Hell Dream gave him an out, but he wanted to tell him, he wanted to get this weight off of his chest. 

"Only, if you are okay with it." Dream says again. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to." 

George lets his eyes wander to the blond, giving him a look that they both already know. "Your an idiot." The one Dream always says to him in his fond George voice. He later let his eyes fall back on the horizon to continue.

"Anyways, it was a few years back, she and I were dating. I won't name names because it is irrelevant however she and I were doing great." He feels a smile form on his face at the short memory. "We were dating for a while, it was like what, 8 months. But like all good things they end right." He let his hand closer to the sand run through it as he fidgeted, looking over at Dream. 

The blond was never one known for staying quiet but he never wanted to interrupt George when he was talking like this, because he never did. He gave him a supportive smile when George looked at him which made the brunet laugh. 

"Yeah so long story short. We were doing great, or I thought so until I she told me that she didn't want to do anything for Valentines day because apparently her family had some sort of tradition for the day. I don't remember all the details she told me but I said it was alright but the day of, I was walking around with one of my mates from Uni that didn't have a date as well and we walked through one of the grander parks in the area and low and behold, she is there and obviously not alone. 

Anyways, I got upset, she saw me, she said that her and that guy's relationship didn't mean anything but that didn't matter. I didn't care to hear her out at that time so I just walked home, later getting a message from the dude she was with saying that he didn't know she was dating someone and that she said she was single. Saying that they did do things before, saying he was sorry that she did that cause he had that experience before. I ended up calling her and breaking up. Haven't been on any kind of date or thing since. Staying home every time valentines would roll around. The whole anti-love thing I guess." He ends with a chuckle but he is slouched over and devastated even hearing the story out loud again, he has never told anyone other than the friend he was with that day and the reason for that, he felt like an idiot about it.

Once Dream could tell George was done the story he scooted across the beach towel and opened his arms, George diving in right away and wrapping his arms around Dream's torso. He didn't want to cry so he bit his lip and tried to even his breathing as Dream held onto him with one arm and ran his hand through the dark brown hair. 

George is never touchy-touchy with his friends so Dream knew he wasn't in the best state right now, whispering reassurance into his hair as he held onto George tighter. 

"Everything is going to be okay." 

"I am here now." 

"Thank you for telling me."

"I will never let that happen again."

February Fourteenth | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now