Chapter 11

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They were sitting up now as the sun starts to set in the horizon, only leaving pretty orange, pinks, and purples in the sky amongst the clouds for only Dream to see. George didn't mind not being able to see the true colours this time however as he was looking Dream's face, shaded by whatever colours that were in the sky looked amazing. 

When he first saw Dream's face when he got through the front door of the Dream Team house with Sapnap in front of him he was in shock, glancing over all the features he remembered from all those years ago when they were younger, only seeing his face one time before that day that felt like 100 years ago. And now he is living with that face, hell that whole person. 

Looking at him right at this moment felt the same. Dream's eyes stuck on the horizon, glowing a brighter gold than normal as his hair shimmered in the falling sun. He looked even tanner now, warm large hand still intertwined with George's.

George lightly tapped Dream's shoe with his own over the edge of the building, getting his attention. George stays looking down at their feet while tapping his to Dream's again, Dream now doing the same. 

It was a small gesture, but it felt comforting to the both of them. Communicating without words as they watched their shoes mingle. 

After about five more minutes of this Dream starts to get up, still holding George's hand. He still had one more place he wanted to go with George before going home and he wouldn't be caught dead not taking him there today. 

"Where are we going now?" George questions out of pure curiosity while getting up with help from Dream. The sour and confused tone from George asking before having no trace in his voice any longer as he has felt more comfortable with his adventures with Dream. Even if it was valentines day, this one definitely changed his mind about the holiday. 

"You will see. I promise you will love it." Dream smiles back at him before letting go of his hand and climbing back down the ladder, George going down after him. He should trust Dream at this point but there was a little pit of nerves about going to yet another place, or maybe that's excitement. 

They round the building to the parking lot and step into the car, Dream starting it up and turning the radio on for background noise as they drove and talked. 

It was relaxing as they drove, George watching the world go by, trying to remember different streets and stores of his new city as Dream hummed to the songs that were playing. Well humming till he was particularly startled by a song change.

Because then a special song started to play. 

And both of them gasped not knowing what to do as the familiar intro started to play.

Sometimes all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June

George swallowed the shock down as Dream tried to continue staying focused on the road. 

Heat waves been faking me out
Can't make you happier now. 

"Sapnap would of found this hysterical right now." George mentions before bursting out in laughter as the song continued to play. Dream laughing along to the brunet's contagious giggles. 

The lyrics played again before a verse moved the song forward, both George and Dream filled with giggles at the song. In enjoyment of the song or what the song meant for them, neither of them knew but they didn't bother to turn off or switch the station like they would of before. 

The song brought Dream a kind of peace, a full circle moment. Thinking about how railed up about dnf the song would make the fans and knowing about the fan fiction that came with it he found himself smiling. Back then they were best friends just flirting as best friends do. But this is different. This feels different. It has to be different, and this time in the good way.

It's not because George is beside him now when listening, but it is the bond, the emotions between them that have changed since those days. The song felt relatable when listening to the lyrics this time around and he enjoyed the small glance he took at George, seeing him smiling as well.

George noticed the glance and softly let his hand lay on top of Dream's that was on the shift. It was a soft, quiet movement, but one that made both their hearts race and cheeks feel warm. 

Dream turns his hand over to intertwine the two and squeezing it, reassuring George that he made a good move, making George grow even redder. He knew friends, even best friends don't hold hands like this and have intimate moments like they have had all day. 

But he didn't care. 

For the first time in a long time, George wanted his friend in an advanced way than before and knew this for sure, he made up his mind.

He knew he loved Dream, although not being able to say it or even fully understand what that means, he knows he has a deep connection with Dream and he knew they were more than just friends.

He knows he loves Dream despite how idiotic, sarcastic, and spontaneous he is because that is what made him endearing. How he always had something to earn or go for next. A new goal in mind or shifty game to play just between them. Because in the middle of the night he was the one George thought about before falling asleep. 

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