Chapter 4

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"Thank you for coming, by the way. I really appreciate it." Dream mutters before leaving to the counter to order their food.

As George's back is turned away from him he lets out a breath and walks to the line up, shaking his hands to get the nerves away. 

He has been sitting here for an hour now waiting for George to get up and come, he was confident he would be fine and the plan would go without a hitch but when he saw George walk through the door, the bell alerting him of his presents, he couldn't keep his eyes off him.

The sunlight beaming onto George as he stepped through the door and looked around the cafe in awe, made him look ethereal, more than normal. His dark chestnut brown hair glistening in the sun as it sat perfectly like a crown on his head with his sparkling coffee eyes landing on different parts of the cafe. His tulip pink lips curling upwards when he found enjoyment in the new place as his porcine skin shined under the sun rays.

Dream was drowning, he has fallen off of a cliff and was drowning in the ocean as he took in George. George made him tongue tied. It was as if the water in his mouth was forbidding him to get a full sentence out as George sat across from him, grinning as he couldn't help but look away. But now he is as he is brought back into the present and steps forward in line.

He broke through the surface of the water and is able to breath again now that those eyes aren't expecting him. He knew right when George walked through the door with Sapnap behind him from picking him up in the airport that he couldn't resist and yet again, like he was all those days before, he was stuck. 

"Um, a hot chocolate, chai tea, and two jelly filled croissants please." He requests from the barista as he reaches the counter. 

"Will that be everything for you today?" They ask in their general kindness they have to have to being in the service, they busy themself by clicking away at the buttons for his order. 

"Nope, that is everything, thank you." He confirms as his eyes wander back to him. George is looking down at his phone, back to him, he sneaks a few glances before the barista grabs his attention back. 

"That will be 14.25." They say as he fishes out his wallet and taps his card, going to the pick up area to wait for his order. There has always been something there with George, he has always been a mystery to him, and the loved every second of it. But that was before. 

He has cracked the case a while ago, he likes George -he has liked George- and now that the mystery was complete he wanted to finish it, explain it. He wanted to tell George he got through labyrinth, he understood what he once didn't. He chose today to do so, but now he was worried. 

He knows he loves George, with every fibre of his being. But George was delicate, he was a sculpture created by Michelangelo, his voice and humour written by Shakespeare. Really, he was a godly figure, but he was also the boy that he became friends with over a game of Minecraft. He was also the stupid idiot that would stay up all night just to talk about random shit. He was his George that travelled across an ocean to be with him and their other best friend.Although George is perfect in many ways, he was still human, his human and nothing can take away that fact.

"Excuse me sir, here is your order." The barista smiled at him unbeknown of dragging him out of his thoughts and put his order on the counter. "Have a good day." 

"You too." He offers, bringing over George's drink and croissant before grabbing his and sitting back down across from him. 

He knows George doesn't like Valentines day. He knows that this isn't a friendly thing to do yet he still does it because there is a little hope inside of him that today goes well. As long as he doesn't fall under the weight of the water he is treading through and keeps his head high, things should go smoothly. 

He needs it to go smoothly or else he doesn't know what he will do with himself. He can't keep this secret any longer and if he was going to tell George, go big or go home right?

"I hope you enjoy." He smiles over at the brunet, getting a laugh in reply before George sticking his tongue out at him. Dream doing the same childish action back. 

February Fourteenth | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now