Chapter 19

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Camila/You – Saving You – Chapter 19


A/N: Prepare your hearts. It’s going to be tough. (Longer chapter than usual so YAY)


Your point of view.


A week, it had been a week since I had found my old group, since I had found Camila, Lauren and Stefan, my old family. But I didn’t feel like home anymore. I wasn’t comfortable here surrounded by them anymore because clearly those last 8 months had changed me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one changed by those months. Camila wasn’t the same anymore. She was everything I used to be, everything I had made of myself, everything I had hated about myself, everything she made go away and I needed to do the same for her. I had no idea how to do that though. I had never been good at helping people, I usually was the one who needed help. But I was willing to try and bring Camila back just like she had done for me because I loved her and because she was worth it. But unfortunately she clearly didn’t want my help since she had spent the last week avoiding me. Every time I’d go anywhere near her she’d walk the other way or find way to show me she was busy. I had no idea how I was going to get to her emotionally if I couldn’t get anywhere near her physically. So I just sat there, where I knew she would come eventually, because I knew she couldn’t spend a day without coming to her sister’s grave. Even if I had to stay here all day, I would because I needed to talk to her. I missed her a lot lately. Don’t get me wrong, I did miss her a lot when we were away from each other but this last week had been even more awful since she was right next to me but still seemed so far away from me. So I just sat there, staring at what was supposed to be Sofi’s grave. I couldn’t help but let my mind fly back to the moments I had spent with her. I hadn’t always been nice to her and I hated that. I hated the way I used to treat her and how I used to be mean to her and it was just now that I realized that I hadn’t showed her enough how much I loved her. But it was too late now. Now she was lost and I couldn’t do anything but cry. That was until my eyes flew to the sky and I remembered what my own little sister used to tell me, about how the people we lost were looking at us from above so I just let the tears fill my eyes and joined my hands, as if I was praying.

“Mel, baby please, I need you to tell me that you haven’t met Sofi. Please tell me she’s not up there with you. Cause if she’s not, that’d mean she is still somewhere our here. That’d mean she is still alive and that there’s still hope. I need to have hope right now. I need to know that I’ll see her again and that I’ll get to apologize to her for my bitchy behaviour.” I whispered, begging, miserably hoping that I would get a sign, a sign that’d show me that I would see Sofi again, and Sofi coming back would also mean Camila coming back, back to me. And I needed that. I really needed her back. I got out of my daze when I felt eyes on me, it was weird but I could tell someone was watching me. I looked around quickly only to see Camila staring at me. She held my gaze, glaring at me. If eyes could kill I would already be dead that’s for sure. The ghost of a smile unconsciously appeared on my face but quickly vanished when she turned around and walked away from me. Did she hate me so much that she would pass coming to her sister’s grave if it meant she’d have to bear my presence? I just shrugged trying not to let it get to me and hurt me, although I was already beyond hurt. I sat still, still hoping she’d eventually come here and she’d be forced to talk to me. So I waited, and waited, all day, hoping she’d appear next to me but she didn’t. The sun disappeared and she still didn’t show up. I was starting to lose hope that she’d join me. She wanted to avoid me so much that she was willing to not visit her sister because that’d mean she’d have to be around me. I was going to give up and get up but when I felt someone. As I identified Lauren as the person sitting next to me I couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed.

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