Chapitre 23

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Camila/You – Saving You – Chapter 22

A/N : Well well it seems like after all this time we "meet" again lol. I'm sorry I haven't written much in this past few months but it is quite complicated to make time for both my "everyday" life and my passion so for that I'm sorry. I'll try to make amends the next few months but I can't exactly promise you update will come faster. BUT I'LL DO MY BEST. Anyway, I suggest you read the last chapter of this story before diving into this chapter; it would make more sense if you do loool!

IMPORTANT: This story is very soon to be over, I think I've planned like 2-3 chapters left BUT there is a chance for a SEQUEL (eventually in the future lol) if you guys want one. It will all depend of your reaction to the ending of this book I guess. Now happy ending? Sad ending? I don't quite know yet. i'm torn between both because I have amazing ideas for both. I've considered writing two different endings but unfortunately that is just too much work for now...We'll see.

UNTIL THEN, enough with the talking, let's dive right back into this story.

Last chapter's ending

We kept talking as we ate, almost everyone was here and it felt good. For a second, as I looked around me and realized I was surrounded by my best friend, my lover and every single person I cared for, I dared forgetting about the outside, I dared forgetting about the dead walking, I dared forgetting about all the pain I've been through, I dared forgetting how much I used to hate myself. All I could think about at that second was how loved I felt and how good that felt.

But of course good times don't last long in a world like ours and when we heard a deafening sound coming out of nowhere, I knew that troubles were on their way.


We all jumped out of our seats, ready to fight, the second we heard that deafening sound. It felt like it was coming from somewhere not far from the little heaven that was our city now. We had no idea what it was or where it came from, we just knew that it was bad news, especially since it seemed like it was getting closing to us. I turned to Camila only to see her worried look on me already. I didn't want her to worry, she was my heart and soul and I wanted her happy, as happy as you can be in a world like this one. So I winked, smiled, grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear that she was more beautiful when she wasn't worried before finally kissing her cheek softly. She answered with a small smile and a playful little tap on the arm – as if she wasn't pleased by the compliment – although to me she was always beautiful. Of course I was worried too, I was actually shitting in my pants although I wasn't one to get easily scared. But this time it was different. This time I really felt like Camila was the missing part of me and that if I were to lose her that would probably kill me. And I was scared, yes, scared that this thunderous sound would take her away from me. I would never let that happen, no matter how many walkers or people I have to fight. At least that's what I hoped for, and what I was going to do. Suddenly, we could see something coming towards us, in the sky.

"Are those..." I heard Stefan worry clear in her voice as he stared at the several objects that appeared in the sky.

"Helicopters." I announced dreadfully, not quite understanding the situation, as I saw that those helicopters coming towards us actually belonged to the US government. No one had seen anything like that since the beginning of the epidemic. After searching over and over for help in the several bases the military had initially installed throughout the country but finding only walkers, dead bodies and abandoned places, we just thought that everyone was dead and we were the only ones, at least here. But that helicopter changed everything. What if it could get us safe, safer than here? What if we were saved?

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