Chapter 12

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Camila/You - Saving you - Chapter 12

A/N: Guys, this is a chapter I had already written before I took the decision to disappear from this fandom (actually from the internet) for a while due to shitty events that took place in my life. You won't get update soon and i'm sorry for it.

For those asking what the shitty events are well it's about a family member who is really sick, add to that a lame first week in my new college and me being the object of constant bullying by my new classmates. That's all I can say.

I really hope you won't hate me for deciding to take a break again. I feel like you will because it's literally the third time I decide to take a break from writing...

Anyway, i'll leave you with this last chapter, I hope you'll like it.

Your point of view.

"Her name was Mel, she was 7 years old, and she was my little sister..." I started and saw her mouth fell agape at my words. 

I was letting her in and it felt better than ever despite the pain caused by the memory.


"Before this whole shitty outbreak, I was just a normal girl who had a family, friends, who attended to school and all the stuff normal teenagers did." I took a pause taking a deep breath since I was getting to the hardest part. "I had 2 annoying but amazing sisters and loving parents. But of course fate decided that we were a too happy family to let us together. My parents were the first ones to pass away when they tried to get us out of the city. They got ambushed by a few walkers and as at that time we didn't exactly know how to protect ourselves, they didn't last. Despite the fact that we witnessed our parents death, we kept our chins up and tried to survive, Isa, Mel and I. Isa was the oldest one so she took the commands and did everything she could to keep us safe, to protect our lives. But one day," I paused feeling the tears starting to fill my eyes and the lump in my throat growing. I found the strength to keep going though when the weight on mattress changed and Camila intertwined her fingers with mine, as if to tell me that she was here, and that it was okay to breakdown. "One day, walkers were circling the house we had found shelter at, and to get us out..Isa stayed inside so that we would get the time to run away..." I trailed off not able to continue anymore if I wanted to keep the tears in. "After that-" I started again but her voice cut me off. 

"Don't." she said. "I don't wanna know." She added and I finally looked up to meet her eyes only to see that tears had started running down her cheeks freely and that she was staring at me with pain in her eyes. 

"I thought you did." I whispered.

"I don't wanna know. I don't wanna hurt you and obviously talking about this does hurt you. But I don't want you to keep going if I know that your heart is breaking with every word that comes out of your mouth." She explained as she shook her head furiously. A small haunted my lips as I slowly brought my and up to whip her tears away before cupping her cheeks causing her to lean in the touch. Without really realizing it my hand had traveled to the back of her neck and had brought her face closer to mine before finally making our lips colliding softly. I could feel that she was shocked, taken aback by my sudden move, but she kissed back. The pressure was soft and tender and caused my heart to explode. Her hand had reached for my arm to stroke it as I kissed her. When I finally pulled away I looked at her lovingly, smiling, and she just stared at me, shocked but also pleased. 

Camila/You - Saving youWhere stories live. Discover now