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Drowning. I was drowning in all things Roman. I couldn't breathe but I didn't care for breath when I had his lips pressed so firmly against mine. Then his mouth opened, and I realised I hadn't even come close to drowning until now. His tongue, so wet and so soft twirled around mine; dancing. His hands were on my hips where he squeezed me tighter the deeper he made our kiss. We couldn't possibly get any closer like this, yet we still tried. He would drive his tongue into my mouth as far as it would go, sloppy and so wet, but so good.

I let my hands travel down to his bum where I groped him and pulled him closer to me, as close as he could get. Our hard members were brushing against each other now and it felt good to feel another man's cock against my own.

I'm sure we would have ended up doing more than just making out if it hadn't been for the fact that Keaton opened the door then and there.

"Roman I swear to God if you were tryna fuck on my bed I-"

"We were only making out!" Roman replied, cutting Keaton of. There was a girl behind Keaton looking a little sheepish at what she saw before her.

"Oh yeah, sure looks like it," Keaton retorted. "Get out already. I actually am tryna fuck."

The girl behind Keaton giggled and I'm sure if I was a lot more sober then I would be embarrassed as fuck right now, but in an effort to get away as quick as possible, I just pushed Roman off me, grabbed his hand, and dragged him out of the room.

"Oh my God," I breathed out stifling a laugh.

Roman chuckled and pushed me against the wall outside Keaton's room and his lips were on me again.

Roman was a good kisser.

Roman used a lot of tongue. It was sloppy and wet and slightly messy. It was dirty. And I liked it.

Sometimes people didn't like a lot of tongue but there was something about it that I just loved.

"Oh. My. God," I said this time in horror as we heard the tell-tale sign of a bed creaking at a steady rhythm. "Oh my God. We need to leave right now." Roman was not in the slightest bit opposed to running down the hall away from Keaton's room so we didn't have to hear what they got up to in extreme detail.

"I swear if I have to hear him have sex ever again, I'll just have to cut him out of my life for good," Roman said jokingly as we caught our breath downstairs in some spare room that looked like it was used for storage. We'd wondered in here trying to find somewhere where it could just be the two of us. I guess we were still enjoying our alone time.

"Least he didn't walk in on us doing it," I said as I got my phone out and texted Dahlia a happy new year. New years was always a family thing for her that she spent with her mum and her cousins and such, so she didn't come out with me tonight. I was a little disappointed because it would have been our first new years together, but I understood so I didn't try too hard to convince her to come out. Dahlia would only ever do what she wanted to do.

"Do you think it would have gone that far?" Roman asked. "Like us. Would you have let it go any further?"

I shrugged as I sat down on the floor against a cardboard box that held a bunch of old books. "If you wanted to."

"I thought you wanted to take things slow?" Roman asked sitting down next to me.

"This is already the slowest I've ever taken things. It took like a month for us to kiss. I guess I don't mind what happens next now," I replied.

He nodded deep in thought. "I don't think I'm ready to go all the way yet," he admitted.

"That's okay." I adjusted the hard-on I still had and tucked it into the waistband of my boxers when I realised it was still showing. Roman eyes lingered on my movement until he realised, he was still showing as well and adjusted himself. We made eye contact and it made me let out a small laugh. My mind still a little hazy with drink but I knew it was nothing too bad.

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