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I didn't hear back from Roman for another ten minutes after I'd texted him but those ten minutes had felt a million times longer than usual. I was nervous that he wouldn't come. I hadn't exactly been the best boyfriend to him all week and I wouldn't have blamed him in the slightest if he felt like he didn't want this anymore.

I was worried I had monumentally screwed everything up and could do nothing but pace around my room while waiting for Roman to say something. I was so relieved when he replied. He said he'd just been in the shower and that he would come over right away. I didn't know what to say to him when he was here, but I could figure it out when it came to it. For now, I just tried to pull myself together.

My hair was a mess, and I didn't like washing it at night, so I left it how it was for now, but I at least tried to change my outfit so that I wasn't just wearing joggers. I even attempted to put a little makeup on, mainly just to give myself a little more confidence. All I did was put on some mascara though, but it made me feel better all the same.

When I heard the doorbell shortly after getting a text that Roman was outside, I sat frozen on my bed. I should have gone to greet him but instead my cowardice took over again. It made me want to crawl back into bed, my earlier confidence starting to disappear, but I didn't really have a choice. Roman was here now and I'd have to talk to him regardless of how I felt. I didn't have time to get up and go get the door myself though because I could hear the front door open, as my bedroom window was open, and knew someone else had beaten me to it.

It must have been Charlie. Emily was downstairs but I knew she had too much anxiety about opening the door for people when she didn't know who it was going to be, and Carrie and Mike had gone out. My suspicions were confirmed when Charlie knocked on my door and let himself in with my boyfriend in tow.

"Brought someone for ya," Charlie said.

"Hi babe," Roman said coming over to give me a hug which I happily but quite tentatively and shyly returned. "Good to see you out of bed," he said quietly. I squeezed him tighter in response until I noticed Charlie was still here. Did he plan on leaving so I could be alone with Roman?

"So do you wanna tell us what kinda happened this week?" Charlie asked when he noticed me looking at him. "I just figured t will be easier for you if you just tell us both in one go instead of having to repeat yourself. But if you want me to leave I can. You do have to tell me what happened though at some point, or at least like how you were feeling you know. No pressure."

I looked at Roman and back to Charlie and knew they were both here for me and wanted me to be okay. I loved Dahlia and she will always be the first person that helped me learn to trust properly again, but things always felt safer with her on some level because she was a girl. It was men that had always hurt me. It was a man that took away my family and countless men who used me for the sexual desires; a man who took my virginity when he knew he had no right to and so many older men who continued to let my innocence be ripped away from me.

But now, here were two men, a brother, and a lover, who genuinely cared for me. My heart was heavy with that knowledge, and I felt flickering sparks of happiness start to ignite again after my week of despair and solitude.

"I'd like to tell you both together," I said quietly as I'd already be repeating myself once, having told Dahlia separately, and didn't want to have to do that again.

"Okay, take your time baby," Roman said as we both sat down on the bed with Charlie taking my desk chair.

"Umm basically that house is mine now, apparently it was left for me in the will," I said.

"That whole fucking mansion is yours?" Charlie asked incredulously. "Oh, you bastard. You're like rich rich."

"Were you not expecting that?" Roman asked choosing to ignore Charlie. I mean I was rich now, even more so than before. Would that change things? Would things start to become a weird dynamic between me and everyone around me now. I really didn't want that to happen.

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