40 (18+)

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"Hi," I said shyly as Roman opened the door.

Originally, I had thought I was going to meet him quite early on in the evening but Roman argued that Genie would refuse to go to bed if I'm there. I loved Genie, but I didn't want anything else to stop us from finally being together. I wanted it to happen tonight more than anything.

"Hi beautiful," he replied. He looked good. His hair looked a little damp so he must have gotten in the shower before I came over.

"Shut up. That's so cheesy."

"Mmm, you do look beautiful though," he said. My cheeks felt flushed.

I tried to put some effort into my appearance. I wore my subtle wing eyeliner that I knew he loved on my eyes and one of his hoodies that I may have stolen the other day. I even pushed forward my hair wash day so that I could wash it this morning, so it looked good for him tonight. I knew how much he loved my curls, though he would probably mess it all up.

"Stop it," I moaned. "You look good." My voice quieter the second time I spoke. "Genie's definitely asleep?"

"Yeah, put her to bed an hour ago and I've checked on her a few times. I doubt she'll be up until morning now, as long as nothing too loud wakes her up," Roman said smirking as he said the last part.

"I'll try my best," I joked.

"We'll see. C'mon, I made us dinner first," Roman said ushering me inside.

"You did?" I had purposely not eaten dinner beforehand, not because I knew he would be cooking, but because I wanted to look my best for him, and a bloated tummy wasn't exactly my best. It was also just a habit that I did with most guys when I knew I was going to be having sex.

"Yeah. I did it last minute though. I should have said. Have you already eaten?"

"Umm no."

"Perfect. It's only spaghetti. Is that okay?"

"Umm, I don't know. I don't think I've very hungry." Roman looked at me then incredulously, his deep brown eyes looking me up and down.

"If you haven't eaten, you must be," he concluded guiding me to the dining table where he had two plates laid out and a candle burning in the centre.

"This looks amazing. Thank you, but I don't... I wanna look good for you tonight," I tried explaining.

"And eating means you won't like good for me?"

"Well, my tummy..."

"Please. I've never looked at your tummy after eating and thought that you weren't sexy anymore. Please let me feed you." He brought his face close to mine from where he stood behind my chair now. "Besides, you'll need your energy for later," he said kissing me on the cheek.

I chuckled and conceded into his demands. As long as he still desired me afterwards, I didn't need to care.

"Hey, what happened to your hand?" I asked confused when I saw how bruised his knuckles were as he served some food on my plate.

"Oh... uhh nothing. Just did some sparring last night with Keaton and Nate. We had an impromptu work out session. Didn't protect my hands enough," he said. I wasn't entirely convinced that was the truth, but I didn't know what else could have happened, and I didn't want to ruin our night, so I kept my mouth close and accepted his explanation.

We had a quick dinner after that. It was just spaghetti like he said but it was yummy, and I ended up finishing the whole plate and then having a little more. I guess I was hungrier than I thought. And then I helped him dry while he washed and finally there was nothing else to do but what we both really wanted to do.

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