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For some reason, my first instinct was to wonder if Roman had left me which I realised was a stupid thought considering this was his room and his house, so where was he going to go? I thought maybe he'd be in his bathroom though which was an ensuit attached to his room. Apparently, this had been the old master bedroom before his parents renovated and, with his brother no longer here, he got to be the room's new occupant. But the door to the bathroom was open, and the light was off inside, so it made no sense for him to be inside.

When I sat up, I finally noticed the note on the bedside table.

'Family came home and you looked too cute while asleep, didn't wanna wake you. I'll be downstairs if you don't see me. Text me when you're awake and I'll come up, or feel free to just come down. Genie's excited to play with you x,' read the note.

I turned the note over in my hand just on the off chance that there was anything more, and it was lucky that I did because there was in fact more.

'A comprehensive list of SOME of things to like about Alden Zeal:

- his curls (of course)

- how cool his eyes are (they're green but one of them is lighter with a hint of blue! did you know?)

- how he embraces both his femininity and masculinity and comes out looking like a beautiful ethereal being from another world

- how strong he is (he's been through so much and yet he hasn't given up, it's inspiring)

- how much of a nerd he is (it's cute how smart he is even if it makes me feel stupid because I couldn't tell you what Mussolini actually got up to and only that I know his name)

- how he touches me (he has no idea the effect he has on me, one touch and I'm a goner)

- oh and that mole (you know the one) ;)'

I fell back on the bed and covered my mouth when I heard a giggle of all things escape, like an actual giggle, all high pitch and strange. What was this man doing to me? Is this what it felt like to fall for someone? Maybe I'm just overthinking things; it's just a note, but such a sweet one. Barely anyone ever noticed the difference in my eyes unless I specifically said anything. How long and intently had he stared at my eyes to notice such a thing?

I sighed at having to get out of bed, but I couldn't stay up here forever. I know Roman said I should text him to come up, but he'd just have to go back downstairs and, I don't know, I just wanted to save him that one small hassle. So, a little reluctantly, I got up and got dressed. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and saw that my hair was a little dishevelled, though I knew the silk pillow cases Roman had been so sweet to buy definitely stopped a lot of the damage. Still, his parents would probably notice what we might have been up to. I could only hope Roman had told them a believable enough lie about why I was asleep in his bed at 6pm.

I tried to fix some of the more disarrayed curls and then decided that was all I could do and headed downstairs. I heard Roman's parents talking in the kitchen and walked past the hallway down to the kitchen as fast as I could and into the living room where I found my boyfriend. I mean...

Not my boyfriend. He wasn't my boyfriend. He just kind of was.

Note to self: never mention to Charlie that I accidentally called Roman my boyfriend in my head.

"Hi," I said, a little quiet, as Roman nor his little sister, Genie, had noticed my presence yet. They seemed to be way too engrossed in braiding some dolls' hair.

"Aldennn!" Genie shouted excitedly. She abandoned her doll and rushed over so she could hug my leg. "Romey said you were here, but you were sleepy. Have you come to play wiv me?"

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