25 (18+)

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I think we got through one episode before we got distracted by the taste of each other. I was grateful we'd already taken our clothes off because it meant I could feel every part of his body pressed up against me. His mouth was on mine so soft and sweet.

His hands never stayed put. They would travel from my bum, to my back, to the nape of my neck until he realised he was at my neck and hurriedly brought his hand back down. I think he probably thought it would upset me, but I'd already let him leave hickies all along one side of my neck and the closer he got to my scar the less I minded each time. My hands roamed his body too. I traced up his abs and squeezed his firm biceps and lavished in the feeling of his tongue brushing against mine. It still wasn't that late, but I don't think he cared much anymore.

I wanted to explore more of Roman's body, especially one thing in particular, so when I brought my hand down behind him and groped his bum, it made him gasp and pull away from our kiss. I chuckled at how red he turned. Finally. I can't be the one blushing all the time.

"Sorry, you surprised me," Roman said. My hand was still on his bum, and I refused to let go.

"Good surprise?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

"You think so?"

"No one's ever groped my bum before?"

Safe to say I was shocked. Surely girls liked a good bum on a guy too?

"Haven't any of the girls you've been with touched you there?" I asked. I attempted to pull my hand away, but he grabbed it and placed it right back on his bum where it had just been.

"Sure, but like not groped," he explained.

"They have no idea what they missed out on," I simply stated which made Roman smile and bring his lips back to mine.

This time, while we were making out, he also brought his hand to my bum where he began kneading the soft flesh which only encouraged me to do the same to him. His bum was so firm. I liked it.

We'd been making out for the past half hour or so, so I didn't really expect it to go anywhere because I figured if he wanted more he would have tried by now. No one I'd been with before ever spent this long just kissing me if they wanted more, so it was surprising when I suddenly felt his fingers dip into the waistband of my underwear.

"Roman!" I screeched in panic as moved away from his hand and almost jumped out of bed.

"What?!" Roman asked confused. "I mean, I'm sorry I thought...I thought you would want to. I should have asked. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

"What?" I asked back just as confused. Why would he think I was mad? In all fairness I did just jump away from him but that was definitely not because I was mad. "Don't apologise. I'm not mad."

"Are you sure?" Why did he look so upset right now?

"Yeah, course."

"Then...then what's wrong?" he asked still very much confused.

God, explaining this was going to be so awkward. It wasn't too much a problem with other guys because I usually knew they wanted sex or at least something along those lines so I always knew to be prepared before I met up with them. Some of them would check as well to make sure. But I guess that probably hadn't crossed Roman's mind yet, what with being new to this and dating girls before where any sort of cleanliness issue was probably not as much of a big deal.

"Roman," I moaned and not in the good way. "You can't just... I know it's probably a lot easier with girls to be spontaneous like that, and I'm not saying you can't be spontaneous with me, but if you do wanna be spontaneous with me you're kinda gonna be limited a little. Like you can't just try and touch my ass without checking that I'm like... you know..." I want to crawl into a hole and die. "I don't know maybe you weren't actually gonna go all the way and like actually touch my like... um... hole... but like if you were you have to at least ask if I'm like prepped. Like clean, you know, because if I didn't know for sure we were gonna do stuff then like I can't guarantee that I'll be ready for it."

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