Chapter One

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*y/n pov*
"Peter! Hurry up and get out of the goddamn shower" I yelled and banged on the bathroom door.
It was Monday morning and I was TRYING to get ready to go to school.
"Peter!" I yelled again, and the door opened.
Peter stood in a towel, smiling. "All yours."
I rolled my eyes at him and pushed past into the bathroom.
We pulled up to school and we heard the bell ring from the car.
"Ugh, we are so late thanks to you" I groaned at Peter as we got out the car.
"Says the one who slept through their alarm."
"That delayed us by like two minutes. You were in the shower for like two hours."
We argued all the way to the door of the Spanish classroom.
I reluctantly pushed open the door, and accidentally almost hit the teacher on the other side.
"Ah, señora y/l/n, señor Parker. So nice of you to finally join us" the teacher sighed.
There weren't any two seats next to each other, but there was one behind the other, so Peter and I sat in those.
"Wooooow y/n. You look hot today. I mean look at that ass" Flash remarked as I sat down next to him.
I ignored him and turned in my chair to face Peter.
"So, what are you wearing on Friday?" he asked quietly.
"What's happening on Friday?" I whispered back.
"Stark's party. Are you going?"
"Oh. Right. I wasn't told about that."
"I'm sure he just thought I would tell you, I guess."
"I guess" I turned back in my chair.
Maybe Stark didn't want me there. That's why he didn't invite me. Maybe I'm just really annoying, and he doesn't like me.
Oh god, I needed to stop overthinking.
"Hey y/n. Don't worry about it. He only told me like two days ago, I don't think you've seen him since then" Peter whispered from behind me.
I convinced myself it was just all in my head, it was just a mistake.
I turned back around and talked to Peter for the rest of the lesson, not paying any attention to the teacher.
At lunch, I was sitting with Peter at our usual table in the cafeteria. He was completely zoned out.
I started waving my hand in front of him, but there was no response. So, I started to flick my peas at him.
"Ow. What was that for?" He finally stopped staring into space when a pea had bounced off his nose.
I laughed at him, then he started flicking them back. We threw food at each other until Ned and MJ came over.
"You know this is food right. Not weaponry" MJ sat down and took a pea out of my hair.
She dropped it on the table and I shot it at her, but she shrugged it off and started reading.
The last lesson in the day was gym. We were meant to be doing some sort of Captain America workout, but I was busy not doing that instead.
I lay on the floor throwing a ball, next to Ned and Peter doing sit-ups.
Some girls on the bleachers started talking about the avengers, and I sat up to eavesdrop.
"Who do you think is the hottest?" I heard someone say.
This was going to be good.
"Thor, definitely."
"No, it's obviously Iron man."
"It's Captain America, duh."
"I think Spider-Man's pretty cute."
Peter shot up at that last comment, and Ned and I exchanged a look, trying not to laugh.
"What about the Winter Soldier. Could you imagine being his girlfriend?"
At that, I spun around and raised an eyebrow at Peter.
It was his turn to laugh at me, before I started to smirk and stand up, and his grin became a frown.
He gave me a look as if to say 'wtf are you doing'.
"Y/n..." he started cautiously.
I started marching towards the girls on the bleachers.
"Wait. Y/n..."
I heard him stand up behind me but I didn't stop walking. I walked right up to the girls, then I passed them and approached Coach Wilson.
"Can I have the hall pass? I need to go to the ladies room."
I turned around and winked at Peter, who's face was a cross between shock and annoyance. He was so easy to tease.
I walked through the double doors at the side of the gym, feeling extremely proud of myself.
I didn't go back to gym in the end, as it was already so close to the end of the day.
I was stood waiting by the school gate, when I saw Peter walk out.
He looked pissed.
"I hate you" he said as he put his arm around me.
"I love you too" I replied jokingly and we started walking home.
"I had to lie to Ned. You know I hate that."
I forgot that Ned didn't know I knew the avengers, he just knew I knew Spider-Man.
"What did you say to him?" I asked.
"I had to make up this huge lie. It was actually pretty impressive."
"And what was the lie?"
"That I had no idea what you were doing."
"Wow. That's a great lie. How did you come up with that" I said sarcastically.
We were about halfway home when I saw a familiar car drive up the road and park just in front of us.
I grinned as my boyfriend got out the front seat.
"Buck!" I ran up to him and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek.
"What was that?" he asked.
"Affection" I smirked.
"Bullshit." His hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. He lifted me off my feet and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.
"Now that, that is affection doll" he stood me back on my feet, and I giggled at him. He was so cute.
I looked past Bucky, and saw Peter still waiting on the sidewalk.
"Are you coming to the compound?" I asked him.
"Nah, I got homework. Actually, so do you" he replied.
"I'll be fine. Bye dork."
"Bye y/n/n."
I watched him walk off towards home, before I walked around the front of Bucky's car and got in the front seat.
He started driving.
"How was your day doll?"
"Good. Peter told me about Stark's party" I looked at him, still focused on the road "why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm sorry. I forgot. Do you want to go?"
"Yeah ok."
Bucky took one hand off the wheel and offered it out. I held it tightly, resting my arm on his arm rest.
We pulled up to the compound, and Bucky went to get out the car.
I leaned over and pulled him back towards me. He took the very obvious hint and kissed me. I smelt the comforting smell of his cologne and the warmth of his skin against my lips.
In the corner of my eye, I saw redwing come and hover outside the car window. I pointed my middle finger at it, but didn't stop kissing Bucky for a moment.
Eventually, we got out the car, and entered the building holding hands.
"You're a pervert, you know that" Bucky said when he saw Sam.
"You were kissing in a public place, you weren't exactly hiding" Sam smirked.
"Still weird" I chimed in "ight I'm gonna go find Nat. Bye Buck."
"Bye doll" Bucky kissed me on the top of the head.
And I walked off to go find her.
"What are you wearing Friday night?" Nat asked as she threw a punch at my face.
"I don't know. I didn't know about the party until today, so I haven't planned anything." I tried to kick her in the side.
"I have a dress you can borrow" she offered kindly, as she grabbed my leg and flipped me onto the floor.
"Thanks Nat" I pulled her arm down and rolled over, so I was on top of her now.
"You're getting better" she smiled.
"I know" I stood up and helped Nat off the floor.
"So I'll see you Friday, we can get ready together."
"Ok. See you then."

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