Chapter Thirty

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*y/n pov*
I sat at a table finishing my Nutella on toast.
You wouldn't really think a secret base in Russia would have a toaster, let alone a chocolate spread. But it did.
"Mm. This is so good" I mumbled with my mouth full when Zemo walked in.
"You have chocolate on your nose" he told me.
"Oh thanks" I wiped it with my finger and licked it off. "So what's the plan now?"
"My love..." Zemo started and about ten men walked through the door.
"We're seriously doing this again?" I sighed as they tied together my hands, with metal chains this time.
"And with this many people? Seriously?"
"You took out four of my men. I don't think I'll risk it this time" Zemo replied.
"I don't blame you. Actually, I'm a little flattered that you feel the need for all of this."
"Yeah well that's not going to last long."
"What do you mean?"
Someone took my phone out of my pocket.
"Hey! That's mine! And it's new!"
"I'm sorry my love."
"Nope. You took my phone. You lost your privileges to call me that."
They put the metal chains around my legs too and I rolled my eyes.
One of the men behind me pulled out the necklace from underneath my T-shirt.
"Hey wait. What are you doing? Leave that alone!"
They unclasped it and took it from around my neck.
"No! Give that back!"
It was tossed up in the air and Zemo caught it. He opened the locket and smiled.
I tried to get free, but the men held me back.
"You really are James' greatest weakness" he chuckled at the pictures.
"Give that back" I hissed, trying not to cry in front of him. "I want it back!"
"I don't think I've ever seen him smile like that" Zemo grinned as he put the necklace in his pocket.
"Leave him alone."
"What happened to fun y/n?" he leant over and kissed me.
"I want my necklace back" I spat in his face.
He wiped my spit off his face.
"Never learnt manners doll?"
"Don't call me that" I snapped.
"Or what? What are you going to do?"
I couldn't do anything. There was nothing physically possible I could do. They had my phone, and there was no way I could break the metal around my wrists and ankles.
"I hate you."
"Really? I thought we had a special connection?"
He stared at me but I refused to say anything more.
"Take her now."
Someone grabbed each of my arms and walked me out the room.
They walked me down many hallways and through several doors.
The building started looking more and more like the inside of a hospital.
There were blinding lights shining down from the ceiling and the walls were painted bright white.
We walked through one more lot of double doors into a large square room.
The paint in there was peeling and the light was dimmer than outside.
There was a chair in the centre of the room, surrounded by a machine.
The bodyguards undid the chains and sat me down in the chair.
They bound me to it, and put something in my mouth.
The men emptied the room, revealing Zemo was standing behind them.
He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.
Then, he set up a small tripod on a table in front of me, and placed a phone on it. He pressed the screen and it made a ping noise.
"We are currently live streaming, y/n. So James Barnes can watch you right now" he smiled.
I tried not to react. I tried desperately to keep a straight face, and not show I was hurt. It was killing me knowing Bucky was going to watch this. And I knew Zemo was right. He was going to come. Zemo had won.
I was left in the room alone again.
I looked straight at the camera as the machine around me whirred into action.
It touched my scalp and I bit down.
I screamed as my head burned and I cried as it didn't stop.
*narrator pov*
Bucky, Sam and Peter had returned to Sam's sister's house.
Sam was talking to his sister in the kitchen, Peter was playing with the kids in the lounge, and Bucky was alone in Sam's room, thinking things over.
"So she's missing, and you're just sitting around here?" Sarah asked in the kitchen.
"There's nothing we can do. We have no clue where she went" Sam sighed.
"So you're giving up?"
"We're looking."
"It doesn't seem like it."
Sam looked at Peter playing with his nephews. He seemed happy, but his eyes showed his pain and despair.
Peter couldn't stop thinking about you.
"You're right" Sam finally admitted. "We need to do something."
Peter joined them in the kitchen.
"Sam, something doesn't feel right..." he said.
"What is it? Is it your Peter tingle?" he whispered the last bit to him.
Peter looked at Sarah hoping she hadn't heard, then nodded at Sam.
Sam heard a scream from upstairs. He looked at Peter and they both took off towards the sound.
"Bucky?!" Sam yelled as he opened the door to his room.
There was no one in there.
The window was open.
They heard screaming again, and saw Bucky's phone on the bed.
Peter slowly picked it up and couldn't help starting to cry.
"What is it?" Sam asked.
Peter showed him the screen.
A video of you was playing.
You were strapped into a chair, with a machine over your head. Your entire body was red and sweating. You screamed as you were being tortured.
Below the video, there was a message. It read an address and the following words:
"Come alone, with no phone. When you're in our custody, we let her go."
Sam and Peter looked between the message and the live video, then at each other.
"We need to go" Sam said.
"Yeah. We do" Peter agreed.

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