Chapter Nine

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*y/n pov*
Bucky and I kissed for a while, then we talked.
About an hour later, we walked back into the lounge, holding hands, where the avengers were still sitting.
"You're back. I see you didn't kill each other" Sam remarked.
"So what happened?" Peter asked.
I looked at Bucky and smiled. "We worked things out. I love you Buck."
"I love you too doll." Bucky started kissing me again.
"Ok. We've seen enough of that for one day" Stark protested.
I laughed and sat down on the couch with Bucky.
Peter checked his watched. "Hey y/n, it's getting late. We should probably get going."
I looked at the time on my phone.
It was nearly 10pm.
"I guess you're right." I kissed Bucky's cheek and got up from his lap. "Bye Buck."
"Wait. I'll drive you" he offered.
I glanced at Peter, and he seemed ok with it.
Bucky and I interlocked fingers as we walked out the building towards his car.
I sat in the front seat and Peter sat behind me.
The whole ride home, we didn't say anything, we just listened to the radio.
When we pulled up outside the apartment, Peter got out and opened the door for me.
"Pete, can you give me a minute? I'll see you inside."
"Ok" he agreed and closed my door again. I didn't say anything until I saw the door close behind him.
"I'm sorry Bucky."
"For what doll?"
"For breaking up with you. For leaving you. Please don't ever leave me. I love you. So please. Promise. You won't leave."
"I promise doll. I love you too."
I leaned over and kissed him goodbye.

*narrators pov*
Despite your promise, you and Bucky were on and off for months.
You got back in the car. Bucky had just taken you out for dinner at your favourite restaurant.
He got in his seat and strapped on his seatbelt, but he didn't start driving.
"Can you not do that?"
"Do what?" I asked as I pulled out my phone.
"Flirt with other guys in front of me. Or behind my back, even."
"Bucky, what are you on about?" I laughed.
"That waiter. In there. You were flirting with that waiter who served us."
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did! You got all giggly with him, and flirty."
"Fine. Say I was flirting, what does it matter? It doesn't mean anything. I was with you. I am with you."
"It matters because I don't like you flirting with other guys. You're too beautiful for them not to take it seriously!"
"Ok. Well I don't like you flirting with other girls."
"When have I ever done that?"
"Don't think I didn't see you the other day, at the store. You were flirting with the shop assistant, and she was so all over you!"
"That's different!"
"Because that actually doesn't mean anything!"
"Oh. You're ridiculous. So you can flirt but I can't?"
"Yeah. Exactly."
"God you're unbearable!" you undid your seatbelt and got out the car.
"Where are you going doll?"
"Get back in the car!"
He started driving along next to you as you walked down the sidewalk, with the window rolled down.
"No! I don't want to talk to you."
"I don't care. Let me take you home."
"I can walk."
"It's 15 blocks. Get in the car."
You sighed. He was right. You were too tired for that.
You opened the car door, then slammed it shut behind you. Bucky continued driving. He offered his hand for you to hold, but you refused it and turned in your seat.
"Seriously, y/n? You're going to be like that?"
You didn't say anything.
"Don't be like that" he groaned.
"Don't try tell me what to do."
"I wouldn't have to, if you weren't being stupid for once."
You looked out the window, hoping Bucky wouldn't notice your tears.
He did.
"Look, I'm sorry. You're not stupid."
You didn't say anything the rest of the drive.
"Don't call me!" You yelled as you slammed the door and rushed into your apartment building.
The avengers were sitting together in the compound, as always.
Suddenly, they heard a small crash behind the door, and someone fumbled with the handle.
You opened the door and stumbled in, evidently drunk.
"Oh. Hey guys" you slurred.
"Doll. You're drunk" Bucky pointed out.
"No shit." You walked over to the bar to get another drink.
"No. Nu uh. Nope." Bucky got up and walked over to you.
You raised an eyebrow and started drinking.
Bucky slapped the cup out your hand, slightly hitting you too.
"Ow! You dipshit! You hit me!"
"I'm sorry. But I said no-"
You slapped him back.
"What are you even getting drunk for anyways?" he sniped at you.
"I wanted my boyfriend to notice me!"
He grabbed you and kissed you. "I notice you, doll."
"It would be nice for you to show it every once in a while" you complained.
He put his arm around you, and helped you walk back to his room.
"I'm going to throw up" you gagged. You ran to his bathroom and threw yourself at his toilet.
Bucky came up behind you and pulled your hair out of your face. He sat with you until you finished vomiting, and had passed out.
He used a towel to wipe your face and your shirt. In the end, he changed you into one of his. He picked you up and laid you down on his bed, then returned to the other room to sleep on the couch.
Bucky and you just finished another dinner date. He was taking you back to the compound, as you wanted to stay with him that evening.
You went back to his room and lay on his bed. He got in bed next to you, and started kissing you on the cheek, then worked his way down your neck. His hands ran down your sides, until they reached the bottom of your dress. He started to lift it up.
"Bucky wait" you stopped him. "I, I dont want-"
"That's ok doll." He let go off your dress and went back to just kissing you. He pushed your hair behind your ear.
"I'm going to go get ready" you whispered and got out of bed. You went to his drawers and pulled out your favourite of his pyjamas, and walked into the bathroom.
You came out a few minutes later with your hair done up in a messy bun and wearing Bucky's clothes.
"How do you still look that gorgeous?" Bucky muttered.
You smiled and joined him under the covers. You buried your face in his chest as he stroked your hair.
You fell asleep comfortably in his arms.

Bucky's nightmares weren't unfamiliar to you. You knew he had them, you had just never been in bed with him when he did.

Bucky started to scream.
"Hey, Buck, hey it's ok!" you had woken up and was trying to comfort him.
"NO!" He screamed.
You stroked his arm "Buck. Wake up. It's ok, I'm here."
His eyes opened but he didn't wake up from his dream. He rolled over so he was on top of you. He grabbed your neck.
"Buck..." you gasped for breath.
His grip tightened.
"Bucky wake up" you screamed at him.
Steve burst through the door, and instantly noticed Bucky strangling you.
Your head lulled to the side.
"Bucky!" Steve yelled, and ran over to pull him off you.
At that moment, Bucky woke up.
Oh shit, he thought, as he watched Steve try to find y/n's pulse. Steve started pressing down on your chest.
You sat up quickly, breathing heavily.
Bucky ran over to you and hugged you, but you pushed yourself back in the bed.
He could see the fear in your eyes. He had hurt you, literally basically killed you.
"Y/n, I-" he tried to apologise.
You looked at Steve then back at Bucky.
Holding back tears, you got up and ran out the room, and you kept running once you had left the building.
You were exhausted, but you kept running for at least an hour.
It was too much. You finally collapsed on the sidewalk. You crawled into a nearby alleyway and leaned against the wall. Your neck was still sore.
Your breathing got even heavier and slower. Your eyes fell shut.

Back at your apartment, Peter was peacefully sleeping in his bed, thinking you were safe with Bucky.
His spider sense awoke him, and he tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but it kept bothering him.
Eventually, he got out of bed, tiredly putting on his suit and swinging out the window.
He swung at least 30 blocks, not finding any danger.
Then he saw you. He didn't know it was you yet. He saw someone, lying on the ground in an alleyway, and he swung towards them.
He bent down over you, and rolled you over to see your face.
"Oh my god."
Peter picked you up and held you close to him. He let out a breath as he heard your heart still beating inside your chest.
He adjusted his grasp of you, and swung into the air. He carried you all the way back to your apartment, not letting go until you were on your bed.

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