Chapter Thirty-Two

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*y/n pov*
I wandered around the building for hours.
I'd just walk on and on through doors and down hallways.
No one stopped me.
Zemo tried to talk to me whenever I passed him, but I did not speak back.
I was walking in circles.
If I heard Bucky's screams get louder, I would walk the other way.
But they echoed through the hallways, so they were inescapable.
I don't know what time it was, there's no windows, when the screaming finally stopped.
Despite being ready to pass out, I sprinted towards the room where he was.
But when I got there, no one was around but Zemo.
"Where'd he go?" I panted.
"There you are. I've been looking for you."
"Where is he?"
He pointed down a hallway and I turned and ran down it.
I turned the corner and saw Bucky being escorted by four guards.
He stopped walking and turned back; his face was red and exhausted.
"Bucky!" I ran up to him but the guards stood in the way.
"Y/n?" he muttered tiredly.
I ran past the guards and hugged him.
"You're okay" he smiled as he looked down at me.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay."
I looked over his shoulder and saw Zemo walking down the hallway behind him.
"Bucky you shouldn't have come" I cried.
"You shouldn't have come. This shouldn't have happened."
"Don't worry doll everything's going to be ok."
"You know she doesn't like to be called that" Zemo walked up behind him and hit the back of his head with a large metal rod.
He fell to his knees in front of me.
"Are you okay my love?" Zemo asked, but before I could answer he grabbed me and kissed me. He held me close and I couldn't get him off me. His hand was in my hair, pulling me onto him.
"Get off her!" Bucky yelled "don't touch her!"
He was dragged away and when Zemo finally stopped I couldn't see him.
"Why the hell did you do that" I shouted at him.
"Because I can."
He grabbed my hand before I had the chance to go anywhere.
"You're coming with me right now."
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
"You don't have much of a choice."
"What do you-" I was cut off as someone behind me put a cloth around my mouth and held it there for a moment.
I started to feel dizzy.
I pulled the cloth out my mouth as my eyes started to blur.
"What did you do?" I stumbled and passed out onto Zemo.
*narrator pov*
"Ok kid. We find Bucky first, and focus on him getting out of there" Sam was telling Peter their plan.
"What about y/n?" Peter interrupted.
"We'll look for her too but Bucky is our priority. If Zemo takes control of his brain again, then we could all be in serious danger, including y/n."
"Okay. So look for Bucky first" Peter agreed.
They turned to the building and were ready to infiltrate, when a plane quickly flew over head.
They saw something drop, and seconds later part of the roof of the building exploded.
"What was that?" Peter asked.
"I don't know. But we need to move."
"Hey fellas. Thought you could use some help" someone said behind them.
"Walker what are you doing here?"
"I told you I could help. That's what I'm here to do."
"Don't get in our way" Sam said and he flew up in the air. Peter started to swing towards the building and crashed himself through a window.
"Hey guys" Peter noticed two people in the room where he landed.
"Sorry for dropping in" he laughed as he shot them back against the wall with his webs.
He ran out the door and started to search for you.
You woke up when you heard the explosion.
You were in a room alone with Zemo, as you were asleep on his lap.
He looked just as confused as you.
"What was that?" you sat up quickly.
"I don't know my love. Stay here" Zemo stood up and walked out the door.
"Pfft I'm not staying here" you muttered to yourself.
You ran out the room after him and saw him turn a corner.
"Zemo!" You yelled and marched towards him.
"Hey! Stay where you are and put your hands behind your head!"
You froze when you heard the voice and footsteps behind you. You slowly turned around with your hands up, and saw men with their guns pointed straight at you. But they weren't dressed the same as Zemo's men.
They slowly edged towards you, then one of them handcuffed you.
"Take her back to the plane. We'll take her with us" one of the men shouted.
"Wait no who are you?" you cried as you were picked up by two of them. They carried you outside and forced you onto a plane where they tied you to a chair. Then they left again.
You watched as people ran in and out of the building from all different types of entrances and exits.
A while later a plane took off from closer to the building.
A whole swarm of people ran out all at once, and shortly after they had reached the plane you were on, the building blew up.
You could feel the heat of the explosion from where you were.
Your mind was aching with thoughts of Bucky, and his safety. You prayed to God he wasn't still in there.
The doors to the plane closed and it took off.
Sam circled the roof of the building, waiting for redwing to locate Bucky.
When it finally did, he flew in the building to its location.
Sam found Bucky on his own, carrying a gun through the empty hallways.
Bucky turned and fired but stopped when he saw Sam.
"Are you kidding me with that? I could've gotten shot."
Bucky ignored his statement as he walked over.
"Good to see you Buck" Sam patted him on the back. "Come on let's get you out of here."
"No? Did you seriously just say no to me right now?"
"Yeah I did."
"Okay Walker is here and he is planning to blow up this building. We don't have time for 'no'."
"I'm not leaving without y/n."
"Buck we have to. She's probably fine. She's a smart kid, she would have found her way out by now."
Bucky was going to protest again, when he saw someone's shadow behind Sam.
He pushed past him and ran after it.
"You've gotta be kidding me" Sam said, running after him. He rounded the corner, and saw Bucky with his hand around Zemo's neck.
"Bucky no!"
Bucky looked back at Sam, and threw Zemo on the floor. Zemo kneeled, gasping for breath.
"Where is she?" Bucky hissed at him.
"I don't know."
Zemo smiled at Bucky, which infuriated him more.
Bucky picked him up and threw him through an already broken window.
He jumped out after him.
He was about to pick him up again, when he saw something reflecting the sunlight coming out of his pocket.
"Where did you get this?" Bucky said as he picked up the necklace he had given you.
"Where did you get this?" He yelled again when Zemo did not answer.
"She gave it to me. Said she didn't want it anymore. Because you had moved on. She wanted to move on too" Zemo smiled.
"That's not like her. She wouldn't have said that!"
"Buck..." Sam walked up behind him, seriously already regretting what he was about to tell him "she said the same thing to me. When I found her after their first date. I'm sorry. I think he's telling the truth."
" I'm sorry James. You've been replaced."
Zemo's grin was quickly wiped off his face as Bucky punched him. Repeatedly.
"Bucky stop!" Sam tried to pull him off.
Peter swung around when he had spotted them. He instantly tried to help Sam stop Bucky.
He stopped before Zemo had the chance to fall unconscious.
"Did you find her?" Bucky asked Peter.
"No. But I've seen the soldiers taking people back to the jets. Maybe they found her?" Peter suggested, hopefully. "But we need to get out of here. They've been setting up bombs all over the building set to go off soon."
"What? But if she's still inside, they'll kill her!" Bucky pointed out.
"We just gotta hope she's not still inside then" Sam said "I'll get redwing to do a sweep of the building."
They started walking to their jet, and boarded.
"Hey what are you doing with him?" Walker called from off the plane. "He's a criminal. He needs to come with us."
"We'll bring him to you when we're done with him" Bucky said as the door closed him.
"You better!" Walker yelled from behind the closed door, but he knew better than to argue any more with the Winter Soldier.
The plane took off, and Peter and Bucky sat staring opposite Zemo.
Bucky was admittedly more intense than Peter, but he had his mask on anyways.
"Where is she?" Bucky glared at him.
"I told you I don't know."
They heard an explosion from behind them.
"That was the bombs. The building's gone" Sam called from the front of the plane.
"She better not have been in there" Bucky said.
"Redwing says there were 7 people still in there when it exploded. But they haven't been identified" Sam explained.
Zemo looked concerned.
"What are you so worried about?" Peter asked.
"Y/n. She didn't mean nothing to me" Zemo responded.
"Yes she did! She meant nothing to you. You were just using her! You don't get to worry for her!" Bucky yelled.
They flew the rest of the long journey in silence, and Sam landed the plane back at the military Air Force base.
Walker had arrived first and greeted them when they got off.
He was with two police officers, who cuffed Zemo and took him away as soon as they landed.
"What's going to happen to him?" Peter asked.
"He's going to be questioned, then he's going back to jail for the rest of his life" Walker replied.
"Where is she?" Bucky jumped off the plane and stormed into the base "where is she?!"
"Relax Bucky. She's right there" Walker replied, and pointed to a group of soldiers.
Sharon ran through them and towards Bucky. She gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.
"Bucky! They called me when they said they were joining your rescue mission! I was so worried. I didn't even know you had been taken. I'm so glad you're ok!"
Bucky kissed the top of her head, but continued to look around.
"That wasn't who he was talking about" Peter whispered to Sam.
"I know" Sam said. He turned to Walker "where are the rest of the people you brought back?"
"They're being questioned. Why are you looking for someone else?"
"Uh a girl. Y/n y/l/n. She was there at the base too" Peter answered.
"I'll see what I can find" Walker left for about 10 minutes.
He found Sam and Peter again sipping glasses of water.
Bucky was talking to Sharon not far away.
"Did you find her?" Peter asked when he saw Walker again.
"Oh thank God" Peter sighed and Bucky walked over.
"Where is she?" Bucky asked.
At that moment, you walked out the door Walker had emerged from moments before. You were in handcuffs, looking at your feet while being escorted by two police officers.
"Y/n!" Bucky yelled and ran to you. Walker stopped him.
"What are you doing? Stop them!" Peter demanded.
"Y/n y/l/n is being taken into custody for involvement in criminal activities and association with Zemo who is a known felon..." Walker started.
"That's bullshit!" Bucky yelled.
"We have evidence that suggests they had some sort of relationship." Walker held out his phone, and swiped through black and white images of Zemo kissing you. "These were taken from the base's security before the building was blown up."
"Those photos mean nothing! He kissed her, that does not mean she kissed him back!" Bucky argued.
"Look guys I'm sorry. But she confessed."
Walker turned to walk off but Bucky grabbed him and shook him by the shoulders.
"What do you mean she confessed?"
"Stand down soldier" Walker warned.
Bucky let go of him, and he brushed himself off.
"She kept confessing that it was her fault. She said she was the reason you were there in the first place, she was responsible. She said she helped Zemo."
"She didn't confess! So she felt guilty, that doesn't mean she is!" Bucky yelled.
"There's nothing I can do. It's out of my hands."
"No, there's nothing you want to do!" Bucky yelled at Walker as he turned to leave.
Sam, Peter and Bucky were forced to watch as you were put in a police car, and it drove off.

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