Chapter Thirty-One

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*narrator pov*
Bucky walked across the tarmac to the private jet. He saw two people waiting outside for him, holding tightly onto their weapons.
But when Bucky reached them, he did not attack.
He offered out his hands and they handcuffed him. He knew it was the only way he could save you: to just give Zemo what he wants.
They walked up the stairs onto the plane and Bucky sat in a chair. The guards tied him to it with extra restraints around his arms, legs, waist and his forehead.
When he was secured, the plane slowly started to move.
Bucky could just about see out the window, and when he did, he saw a car drive up on the tarmac next to them. Sam and Peter got out, but the jet had already left the ground.
He stopped looking out the window and faced forward.
One of the guards turned a TV towards him and switched it on.
It displayed the livestream footage of you.
The machine was still attached to you. It was the same one used to torture the Winter Soldier before.
"Tell him I did what he asked, now let her go" Bucky told the guards.
When they did nothing he yelled "I said let her go!"
A guard picked up the remote and turned the volume off mute, then smiled at him.
Your screams rang through the speakers.
Bucky tightened his fists and closed his eyes. He clenched his teeth together. He listened to your screams for the entire plane ride. It was his torture.
All the while the guards had earphones in next to him, not giving a single shit.
When the jet started to descend, the screen finally changed.
Guards filled the room you were in and unbuckled you from the chair.
You collapsed onto the floor and passed out.
Someone picked you up in their arms and carried you out the room.
Bucky was left staring at the chair in the middle of the room until the plane landed and the TV switched off.
A whole swarm of bodyguards were waiting outside the plane when he got off. And Bucky saw Zemo.
"James. So good to see you again" he smirked.
"Where is she?"
"Y/n! Where is she? You said you would let her go!"
"She's safe."
"Bullshit. I want to see her!"
"You will."
The body guards swarmed around Bucky again and they started walking into the building next to them.
They escorted him through several hallways and doors, and they eventually came to a large room lined with cells.
They were all empty but one.
You were lying unconscious on the ground with a chain around your neck.
"Y/n!" Bucky yelled. He turned to Zemo "did you kill her?!"
"No. She's alive. Barely."
"Let her go. You said you would!"
"I changed my mind. Wake her up" Zemo addressed one of the guards and they pressed a button outside the cell.
A wave of electricity travelled down the chain you were attached to and shocked your neck.
You woke up screaming.
The man stopped holding down the button and the pain gradually stopped.
You looked out your cell.
"Bucky?" you whispered.
His hands were tied and chains held his ankles closer together.
"Bucky!" You screamed louder "NOOOOO!"
The guards around him started dragging him away.
He tried to fight back, he struggled, but he couldn't get away.
"No. Bucky. Nooo" you whimpered as he was dragged out of sight.
Zemo stayed behind after they had all left. He unlocked your cell and walked in. He undid the chain around your neck.
"What are you doing?" you sobbed on the floor.
"Letting you go."
You stared at him in confusion, he was just going to let you walk out?
"But not completely" he continued. "You're free to roam the building and all, but you're not leaving."
You thought about fighting him and running, but what would that do. There were bodyguards all around the building, so you didn't have a chance. And besides, you were still too weak to move properly, let alone fight someone.
Zemo walked off, leaving the door to your cell open. But you stayed inside, as you had nowhere to go.
Bucky was dragged off out of sight. They pulled him back towards the same room you had been in moments before.
He gave in as they strapped him back into the chair.
Zemo walked through the door and smiled at him.
"You know she seemed to be convinced that you wouldn't come. She thought she didn't mean as much to you that you would come chasing after her. I bet you wish that she was right. That you wouldn't come."
Bucky thought about you, and how you could possibly think that after everything. He thought maybe he shouldn't have come. Maybe it was all a waste and handing himself over to Zemo wasn't worth it. But the he thought that if Zemo wanted you dead, he would have done it by now. He had saved you.
"I don't regret anything" Bucky spat.
"You will" Zemo grinned and put something in his mouth. He left the room and the machine closed around Bucky's head.
"Damn it!" Sam cried as he and Peter watched the plane take off.
"Karen. Hey Karen" Peter said to his suit "can you find out where that jet is going? Like is that something you can do?"
"Of course Peter" the AI responded. "The plane is headed to Russia at these coordinates."
"OK Thank you so much. Russia. They're in Russia."
"Ok let's go" Sam said.
"Wait how are we going to get there?"
"A plane."
"You have a plane?"
"I have access to some yeah."
Sam took Peter to a United States military Air Force base.
"Wow this is so cool!" Peter exclaimed.
"You know you're a superhero" Sam reminded him.
"Yeah but this is still so cool."
They walked towards a jet outside and started to climb in.
"Not this bitch" Sam groaned and turned around. "Walker. What do you want?"
A guy in a crappy Captain America costume approached them.
"I hear you were stealing a plane. I want to know why?"
"I'm not stealing it."
"What do you need it for?"
"To find someone."
"None of your business."
"I'm Captain America. Everything that goes on in this country is my business."
"You're not Captain America" Peter said from behind.
"Spider-Man? You're getting help from Spider-Man?" Walker raised an eyebrow at Sam.
"Yeah. So what?"
"Sam, why not ask me? We're friends right?"
"Look tell me who it is you're trying to find or I'm not letting you take this jet."
"It's Bucky."
"Bucky? Okay let me help."
"Why not? You have a better chance of finding him if I help."
"No we don't. We already found him. Now we just need to get him. And you're not coming." Sam turned and boarded the plane. Peter stood outside not sure whether to follow.
"Kid! Get in!"
"Uhm okay. Bye Mr America... Walker. Captain. Bye" Peter hurriedly got on the jet.
Walker watched as it took off.

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