Chapter Twenty-Three

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*y/n pov*
Bucky's apartment was opposite a bar. Of course, I went there.
I sat down in front of the bartender and asked for a beer.
"Hmm. You have ID?"
"Are you shitting me right now?"
"Sorry I need proof of age."
"Look, I just want a beer. Is that too much to ask?"
"Yes. Unless you show me some ID."
"I don't have it with me."
"Then I can't help you."
I rolled my eyes "then I want a fucking fruit shoot" I moaned as I spotted one in the fridge behind him.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't tell me I'm too fucking old now."
"Fine" he said reluctantly and handed me the bottle.
I took a small sip and banged by head down on the bar.
"Ow" I said as I hit it a little too hard.
"Rough day?" A voice asked from beside me.
"You could say that" I muttered back.
"What are you drinking?"
I shook my half-empty bottle of fruit shoot at him.
He laughed.
"Two tequilas please" he told the bartender.
I turned my head and made eye contact with him. He smiled. "Each."
The bartender paused as he looked at me again.
"Did I stutter?" The man beside me said.
I smiled at him and sat up.
"So tell me. What's got you so down?"
The bartender handed us our drinks and I drank one.
"Why are guys such jerks?" I asked, facing forward.
"Not all of us are" the guy next to me said.
"Mhm." I downed the other glass.
"So the guy... he your boyfriend?"
"Good to know."
He chugged his drinks too and ordered another round.
"I'm sorry. I have to tell you. You are... beautiful" he said as he pushed my drink towards me.
"Flattery isn't your strong suit" I told him and drank another.
"Isn't it?" He leant in closer and brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"50 50" I shrugged.
A few rounds later and he finally asked my name.
"So do you have a name to go with that pretty face of yours?"
I laughed and held out my hand "y/n. Y/n y/l/n."
"Nice to meet you, y/n y/l/n" he shook it.
"And you are?"
"Like the fish?"
He laughed and ordered more drinks.
We drank and talked and laughed and drank some more.
"You got a place to stay tonight?"
"Why?" I giggled "you wanna take me home?"
"Yeah I wanna take you home" he whispered into my ear.
"Okay" I smiled "let's go."
I hopped off the chair as he handed some cash to the bartender.
I started walking to the door but I tripped and fell over. I rolled onto my back, laughing. He bent down over me and pulled my hand up. He put his arm around me and helped me walk out the door.
As we left, I looked across the street at Bucky's apartment building.
I thought about him, and almost left the guy to go back to him, until I remembered Sharon.
God I hate Sharon, that bitch.
"Are you ok?" Zemo asked.
"I'm doing just fine" I slurred and stumbled into him. "Let's go already!"
I wanted to get as far away as I could from there.
*narrator pov*
Peter walked shamefully back to the front door and hesitated before knocking.
"It's open" Bucky called out.
Peter opened the door and saw Bucky and Sharon making out on the couch.
They didn't stop as Peter walked through the doorway.
"Ahem" he fake coughed.
They looked at him, Sharon looking considerably more angry than Bucky, whose face appeared concerned.
"You're back. Did you find her?" He looked past Peter hopefully.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't find her. And I don't know where to look."
Bucky looked pleadingly at Sharon.
"Go" she sighed.
"Thank you" he kissed her quickly on the forehead.
"Yeah we both know you would've gone anyways."
"Yup" Bucky said as he walked out the door. "Okay you looked in the bar right?" He asked Peter.
"The bar? What bar?"
"The one right across the street! You didn't look there?"
"No? She's underaged!"
"Yeah like that's ever stopped her."
"Crap you're right."
He followed Bucky down the stairs and out the front door. They didn't pause as Bucky marched across the street and approached the bar.
"Hey Bucky! The usual?" the bartender greeted.
"No I'm not drinking. Have you seen a girl in here?"
"You're going to have to be more specific."
"Long y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. Would have been drinking a lot. But she's underaged."
"I think I know who you're talking about. Some guy was buying her drinks all night. She got so smashed. They left like five minutes ago."
"Did they say where they were going?"
"Uh idk. To his house I guess."
Bucky picked up a shot glass and smashed it on the floor.
"You're paying for that" the bartender shouted as he walked out.
"What now?" Peter asked when they got outside.
"Now we find her. She can't have gotten far in five minutes. I know her when she's drunk, she's not exactly the quickest."
They heard a squeal from down the street.
Bucky was right - she hadn't gotten far at all.
Peter didn't recognise the man she was with, but Bucky apparently did.
"Hell no."
*y/n pov*
"Stop it" I giggled as Zemo twirled me around in the middle of the street. He pulled me closer to him and grabbed my ass.
I squealed playfully at him and jokingly slapped his hands away.
We interlocked our arms and started walking down the street again.
All of a sudden, something grabbed my waist and pulled me backwards. I was forced to let go of Zemo as I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.
"Hey let me go! Get off of me!" I yelled "hey dude! Help me!"
I watched as Zemo slowly stepped back away from me. He was such a wuss. I should've found someone better to go home with.
The person put me down and another person caught me as I stumbled.
"Peter? What are you doing here?" I smiled at him.
He frowned back and he put his arm around me to stop me falling over.
I poked his cheeks up, trying to get him to smile, but he just looked disappointed. "You seriously gotta stop this y/n/n."
I rolled my eyes and stood up on my own. I turned to see Bucky threatening the guy I was with.
"Bucky! What are you doing?! It's not his fault."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you knew her. I would have never-" Zemo started.
Bucky threw a punch across his face. "Leave" he spat.
Zemo instantly turned and walked the other way.
Bucky looked at me. "You are so stupid."
"Mhm. Okay." I stepped aside to walk past him but he stepped in my way.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Uhm home with that guy. Like I said I would."
"I don't think so."
"It's not up to you. Why do you care anyway? You have Sharon. You have a girlfriend. Go back to her." I pushed passed him.
He grabbed my hand.
"For fucks sake get off" I struggled.
"Don't make this difficult."
"No! I need to find Nemo!" I doubled over laughing at my own joke.
"Bucky!" I screamed as he grabbed my waist again and threw me over his shoulder.
"Get off you little bitchheheeuuuuuugh" I vomited down the back of his trousers.
"You're disgusting, honestly" he muttered.
I laughed as the last of the sick dribbled out my mouth.
I looked up and saw Peter, arms folded, looking back at me.
I mocked his frown and tried to cross my arms too, but he remained unimpressed.
"Can you put me down now?" I groaned at Bucky as we walked into the building.
He started carrying me up the stairs.
"Buckkkyyyyy!" I cried "I don't want to go back to your apartment! Let me go!"
I repeatedly slapped him hard on the back and tried to kick him.
"Get off! No! I don't want to go!"
We got to Bucky's floor and Sharon was waiting with the door open.
"I heard the screaming like 5 minutes ago. I see she's being problematic as ever."
"Shut up! Bucky let me go now!" I screamed.
He stood me on my feet and helped me steady myself.
I made eye contact with him for a second, before making a break for it.
I ran to the stairs and sprinted down them. I heard the others racing after me.
I got close to the first floor when I finally tripped as I evaded Peter's hand trying to grab a hold of me.
I tumbled down one set of stairs, then when I tried to get up, I fell down the next lot.
I was back on the ground floor, and miraculously, still conscious.
My eyes were shut, though, and my hair was stuck to my face.
"Do we need to call 911?" I heard Peter after three lots of footsteps had run down the stairs after me.
"No she's just being a drama queen" Sharon protested.
Bucky's hands gently rolled me over and his fingers lifted my eyelids.
I held them open.
"I told you. She's fine."
"Y/n. Say something?" Peter whispered.
"Fuck you Sharon" I whispered, closing my eyes again.
"Absolute shit head" she started up the stairs.
"You are an actual idiot y/n" Bucky spoke softly.
"I swear to fucking god James if you pick me up again..." I moaned, and he did " fuck you too."
But I was too tired to fight him. He lifted me properly this time, rather than just draping me over his shoulder.
I held my hand out, hoping Peter would hold it. He was hesitant, but he did. He walked alongside Bucky as we walked up the stairs.
We got into the apartment, where Sharon was drinking straight from a bottle of vodka.
"Mmm count me in" I laughed.
"No, you're done drinking for the next decade" Peter argued.
I pouted sadly as he let go off my hand while Bucky carried me away into the guest room for the second night in a row.
He put me on the bed but his arms stayed around me.
"If I let you go, you promise to stay here. You're not going to run?" he whispered into my hair.
"I promise."
He slowly unwrapped his arms and sat next to me on the bed.
I crawled over to my pillows and pulled the covers up to my chin.
"Are you ok?" he shuffled over to this end of the bed and stroked my shoulder.
I threw up onto the pillow beside me.
"Oh god. Ok wait here" Bucky got up and left the room.
He came back less than a minute later with some fresh clothes and some clean sheets, and Peter following behind him.
"Go to the bathroom, and I'll change your sheets for you" Bucky said when he saw I was still throwing up in the bed.
Peter came and held my hand to pull me towards the bathroom. I ran faster and threw myself at the toilet to throw up.
He sat behind me and quickly plaited my hair, keeping it out of my face. He held my hand until Bucky came in carrying the dirty sheets.
"I've changed the sheets. And I've put a bucket in there, in case you still feel sick."
He handed me one of his T-shirts. "You've been wearing the same thing since yesterday. Get changed."
The boys left the bathroom and I got changed.
The door was not completely shut, and I could hear Bucky and Sharon arguing.
"She wants the attention Bucky. You're just giving her what she wants."
"Yeah so? What's wrong with that?"
"What's WRONG with that?! It's selfish. She's being selfish. Only thinking about herself."
"She's not selfish! Stop talking about her like that!"
"It's true! And she is so manipulating you."
"She's not manipulating me."
"Then why have you been with her all night and not me, your girlfriend."
"She's sick. I was helping her."
"Yeah. And it's her own fault. You should've left her to deal with her own problems. You should've been with me."
"Look who's being selfish now."
"You know what, this is kind of your fault too."
"How is this my fault?"
"You brought her back here. And I don't know what happened between you two but you need to get your shit together if you want me to stay in your life."
"Fine. I'll figure something out." Bucky agreed.
Sharon stormed off and he looked at me through the crack in the door.
"You heard that?"
I nodded.
"Like I said, I'll figure something out."
"It's fine. I'll go home tomorrow. Figure it out for you."
"No you don't have to go."
"I'm going."
Bucky couldn't convince me to stay, and he knew this. His face turned red with anger and he stormed out of sight.
When I finally felt a bit better, I got up from beside the toilet, wiped my mouth, had some water, went to my room, got in bed, and cuddled up next to Peter.
"You smell like vomit" he said.
"Yeah I know" I said snuggling up to him.

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