Chapter Twenty-Two

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*narrator pov*
You woke up in a double bed next to Peter, who was FaceTiming May.
"Oh look who's awake" he pointed the phone screen at your sleepy groggy face.
"Hi y/n" May said through the phone "are you okay?"
"No it's too early" you groaned and rolled your face into the pillow.
"It's nearly 11" Peter laughed.
You mumbled something into the pillow and he turned back to the phone.
"I'll call you later, May. Love you! Bye."
"Love you Peter, and you sleepy head!" May replied.
"Love you" you said into the pillow.
The call ended.
"Come on. Let's get up. We're not being very good guests by staying in here all day" Peter jumped out of bed.
You remained where you were, head buried.
"Okay I'm going to find Bucky. And food. Please get up and come socialise" Peter moaned as he left you in the room.
He walked out and saw Sharon on the couch watching TV. She turned when she heard Peter.
"Hi, Peter was it?"
"Uh yes ma'am."
"Call me Sharon."
"Bucky's gone out to handle some business. Is your friend awake yet?"
Peter shook his head.
"Well she always was a lazy little shit" Sharon muttered under her breath as she sipped a coffee.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you" Peter asked.
"Oh nothing. I just said Bucky had said that might happen."
Peter sat next to Sharon on the couch and started watching the TV with her.
A while later, you had finally woken up enough to crawl out of bed, and you yawned dragging yourself to the other room.
The other two looked at you as you opened the door and you rolled your eyes at them.
"Nice to see you again y/n" Sharon smiled at you.
"Cut the bullshit. No one believes you" you smirked as you sat between her and Peter.
"Y/n!" Peter said, shocked at your comment.
"No she's right" Sharon sat back with a frown on her face. It looked more natural than her smile.
"Where's Buck?"
You sat for a moment, before reaching across Sharon and you aggressively grabbed the remote. You changed the channel to watch cartoons.
Sharon rolled her eyes and elbowed you as she got up from the sofa. You stuck your leg out and she stumbled in front of you.
She glared at you, and you back at her as she walked off to another room.
"So that's Sharon?" Peter smirked when she was out of earshot.
"Why do you hate each other so much?"
"I have my reasons" you told him as you turned the volume up on the TV.
Bucky arrived back half an hour later.
"Hey I'm back."
"Finally" Sharon emerged from the room in which she had been hiding. She approached him and kissed him. Bucky noticed you staring and stepped back from Sharon, nodding at you. "You're still here?"
"Can't get rid of me that easily" you grinned.
"You eaten?"
"No. Goblin hasn't fed us."
"Demon didn't ask" Sharon retorted.
"Hey don't be mean. You'll offend her" Bucky said.
"Sorry" Sharon apologised.
"I was talking to y/n."
You laughed in amusement. "I wasn't being mean. I was simply... stating what I saw."
"Whatever" Sharon rolled her eyes.
"Come on let's get you some food" Bucky said walking into the kitchen, waving at Peter when he passed him.
"I hate you" you mouthed happily at Sharon.
"Make that to go Buck!" Sharon yelled as she stormed off into the kitchen behind him.
You sat across from Sharon, chewing your fries. She was pissed as Bucky had let you stay longer.
"So, uh. Sharon, how did you meet Bucky?" Peter broke the silence.
You glared at him, wide-eyed. He shrugged innocently at you.
"I knew Steve."
"Cool" Peter nodded awkwardly. "And how uh do you know y/n?"
"Steve introduced us at the same time he introduced Bucky and I. Hated one, fell in love with the other" she winked at Bucky, but he didn't notice. She sheepishly looked down at her plate.
"Is that so? Love at first sight?" You smirked, which did get Bucky's attention. You saw the dirty look he gave you and decided to leave it there.
He reached out to your plate and took one of your chips.
"Bitch. Can I have some of your burger?" You asked.
Sharon laughed at you.
"It has pickles in it. She hates pickles." Bucky told her.
Her face turned red and you smiled smugly at her.
"Can I have some then?" Sharon asked.
"But I like pickles."
"What, you want a jar of them?"
It was your turn to laugh.
"Shut the fuck up" Sharon snapped extremely annoyed.
"Don't talk to her like that" Bucky said calmly.
"Are you planning on leaving our home anytime soon?" Sharon continued.
"She can stay as long as she wants Sharon" Bucky snapped back, fed up with her attitude.
"No. No I think I'll go. I'm obviously unwanted" you got up from the table.
"Y/n that's not true. Get back here. Y/n!" Bucky yelled.
"Oh really? You're defending her?" Sharon remarked.
"Now's not the time." Bucky stood up and saw the front door wide open. "Shit."
He stormed off back towards his room and Sharon angrily followed.
A whole lotta yelling started almost instantly.
Peter scratched the back of his head. He didn't really know what to do then.
After a moment, he decided to clear the cutlery and plates from the table and take them to the sink.
Then he sat back in his chair, and listened to the others fight.
Lots of yelling, screaming, and a period of quietness later, they came out again holding hands, at least a little bit happier than before.
"Peter..." Bucky froze when he saw him "what are you still doing here?"
"Um. Am I not supposed to be?" Peter stuttered.
"Where's y/n? You know as well as I do she's a flight risk! We need-" he stopped when Sharon squeezed his hand. "You need to find her. Can you go? Please."
Peter nodded.
He jumped slightly as Bucky raised his voice and ran out the door.

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