Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*narrator pov*
The day had finally come and you had been running around the apartment doing all sorts of last minute packing.
Sunday afternoon - you were moving in with Bucky!
"Are you ready doll?" Bucky called from by the door.
"Yeah wait I just need..." you ran back into your old room. But there was absolutely nothing in there.
"I need..." you repeated, staring blankly at the nothingness.
"I think you got everything y/n/n" Peter came up to you and put his arm around your shoulder "I think you're ready to go."
"I am? Oh my god I am!" You ran out the door, jumped on the couch, then used the cushions to launch yourself at Bucky. He caught you in his arms and laughed as you beamed innocently up at him.
Your legs wrapped around him and his arms held your waist as you kissed him.
"I'm ready to go" you smiled.
"Okay" he put you down and held your hand.
"Bye!" you yelled back to May and Peter.
You walked out the door with Bucky but paused after not getting very far.
"What is it doll?"
You didn't reply. Instead you dropped his hand and ran back into the apartment.
You jumped up and squeezed Peter in your arms.
It took him a second to process what was going on, but then he immediately hugged you back.
"I'm gonna miss you dork" you whispered.
"I'll miss you too y/n/n."
"Promise you'll visit?"
"Only if you visit first! Now go on. Bucky's waiting."
"He doesn't mind" you let go of Peter and wiped some tears from your eyes.
"Don't cry! You'll make me cry!" Peter tried not to tear up too.
"I'm sorry!" You let the tears run down your face and he gradually started to cry too. You hugged him again, and May came around to hug you both.
"I love you guys" you cried.
"We love you too!" May responded.
"Ok Bucky come and take her away before she makes us cry more" Peter sniffed, breaking away from the hug.
Bucky rolled his eyes but smiled and came to hold your hand.
You leaned into his arm, and looked back one more time before he walked with you out the door.
Peter smiled tearfully as he slowly shut it behind you.
He went back to the doorway of your room, and stared into its emptiness.
"She's gone" he whispered.
May came to join him "yeah. But she's just a 10 minute drive away. You can go see her whenever you'd like. And she can come here."
"It's not the same" Peter sighed and returned to the other room, slumping down on the couch.
"Hey come on. We need to eat sooner rather than later. You can't go to sleep too late you have school tomorrow."
"Uuuuuggggghhhhhhh" Peter groaned.
"So she moved out?" Ned asked Peter.
They were in gym class the next day.
"Yeah. She's gone, just like that" Peter sighed.
"How do you feel about that?" MJ enquired, considerate for her boyfriends feelings.
"I- I already miss her y'know. She's been gone for a day, but I feel like I haven't seen her in ages."
"It'll get better" MJ assured.
"Hey penis Parker!" Flash yelled across the room.
Peter put his head between his knees as he walked over.
"How's y/n been? I heard she moved out. Where'd she go? Jail?" Flash laughed.
"Shut up Flash" Peter groaned.
"Did you know she was dangerous?"
"She's not dangerous Flash!" Peter yelled and shot up in front of him.
"Eh. Wouldn't matter either way I'd still screw her" Flash spat in Peter's face.
Suddenly the doors to the gym swung open and everyone looked towards them.
You walked in, holding Bucky's arm.
You smirked and waved cutely at Peter across the room. Then you noticed Flash and frowned, whispering something to Bucky.
The two of you walked to the middle of the gym where Peter and Flash were standing.
"Y/n" Peter hissed quietly at you "what are you doing here?"
"Oh we're picking you up" you grinned.
Bucky was staring at Flash, who looked back nervously with wide eyes. He gulped.
"You couldn't wait until the end of the day?" Peter asked you.
"There's like 5 minutes left of the day. No difference."
"The difference is now everyone is staring at you. Oh god you wanted a big dramatic entrance didn't you?" Peter moaned.
"Maybe" you smiled and tugged Bucky's arm "kay let's go."
Bucky glared at Flash then turned to face you, and instantly smiled when he saw your face. "Let's go then."
You started walking out, hand in hand with Bucky.
"Peter!" You yelled back, knowing he hadn't moved.
Peter hurriedly sped walk after you, giving a small wave to Ned and MJ, then lowering his head as he walked past the rest of his class mates.
"Y/n why did you have to do that?" Peter complained when you left the building.
"Oh come on! I missed you. And it looks like I saved you from another thing from Flash anyways."
"I don't like that kid" Bucky randomly chimed in.
"I didn't... need saving."
You smirked and turned around as he was walking behind you "what was it this time?"
"Nothing" he muttered.
"Hey stop acting like your in charge of me! We're the same age."
You raised an eyebrow in a sort of threatening manner.
Peter looked at his feet and muttered something.
"What was that? I couldn't hear."
"He said you were dangerous."
You laughed loudly.
"Then he said he'd screw you anyway."
"I knew I didn't like that kid!" Bucky said and turned back towards the school.
"Bucky!" You laughed harder as you pulled his arm. "Bucky he's kidding! Flash is just a jerk."
You arrived at Bucky's car and you opened the door for Peter to get in the back.
You climbed in the front seat next to Bucky.
"Maybe I should go back to school. For all the time I missed" you joked.
"Hmmmmmm" Bucky resisted "if you really want doll."
"Really? Well then maybe I will actually consider it" you shrugged. "Peter do you want to go home, or go to Bucky's place?"
"Our place doll" Bucky corrected you.
"I know" you smirked "I just wanted to hear you say it."
"Can I come to yours for a bit? I haven't seen it yet."
"Okay. But I'm warning you, your sister is a messy lil shit so everything is still everywhere" Bucky teased you.
"Hey!" You complained.
"No I know" Peter grinned "thank you again for taking her mess with you."
"Hey! I'm right here!"
The boys laughed at you. You frowned facing out the window, crossing your arms and pointing your knees away from Bucky.
"Oh doll don't be like that."
You ignored him, pushing your chin out further away from Bucky.
"Ha! Good luck living with her Bucky" Peter chuckled as he pulled out his phone.
Bucky pulled over the car.
"Ehm what are you doing?" Peter asked.
"I'm not driving until she talks."
"Oh so I have to suffer?"
"Y/n, doll..."
"You know it's a lovely day outside. I think I'm gonna go for a walk" you didn't look back at Bucky as you opened and shut the car door.
He rolled down the window.
"So you're gonna be like that?" Bucky called as he started to drive along next to you.
"I'm choosing not to hear you right now."
Bucky stopped the car and got out.
You carried on walking as Bucky walked around the car to open Peter's door.
"What are we doing" Peter asked.
"Walking with her" Bucky replied as they caught up with you.
"I think the day just got less lovely" you said looking forward as Bucky walked next to you.
"Hurtful" Bucky answered.
"Yeah well you called me a messy lil shit so now we're even."
"Fine. I'll enjoy the day for the both of us. Can I hold your hand?"
Peter rolled his eyes as you walked on in silence, and he followed behind you.
"Hm" Bucky moaned.
"What now?" You complained.
"Everything looks so... hang on" Bucky went to stand in front of you, and you stopped walking, folding your arms.
"Perfect" Bucky smiled as he looked at you.
You tried to look unimpressed, but your smile escaped you.
"Even better" Bucky remarked when he saw it.
"You guys are so gross" Peter carried on past you, head buried in his phone.
You sighed and offered your hand out, and Bucky took hold of it.
You carried on back home, in a better mood.
"Did you just leave the car?"
"I'll go and get it later."
You started to swing your arm back and forth, holding Bucky's hand.
You skipped the rest of the way home.

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