Chapter Twenty-Six

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*y/n pov*
"Y/n get up."
"Nooooo. What time is it?"
"8am" Bucky replied.
"It's too earlllyyyy."
"Get out of bed and get dressed."
"Whyyyyy?" I groaned.
"I'm taking you to the airport."
"What?" I spoke normally.
"You're going home."
"Come again?" I sat up and stared at him. I knew I should be happy, excited, but I didn't really want to go right now.
"Get ready. We're going in twenty minutes."
He left and pulled the bedroom door closed.
I quickly got changed - he gave me his clothes today rather than Sharon's nasty ones.
I entered the kitchen, where there was a tea and a couple of waffles on a plate.
"Thanks Buck" I said when he walked in.
"Yeah Sharon made those."
"Is that so?"
"She's in a good mood this morning. Don't ruin it."
"From what I heard last night, I should think so."
He rolled his eyes and stole one of the waffles.
"Hurry up. We gotta get going."
I drank the tea first, but burnt my tongue so I couldn't taste the waffle after.
Sharon walked out the bedroom smiling. "Hi y/n."
"You're smiling. It's gross."
"Y/n what did I just say" Bucky sighed.
"It's fine Buck. She's just jealous" she kissed his lips gently then smiled at me.
"I hear you're done playing happy families with me?"
"Yeah. And thanks, because now I know I don't want kids. They're horrible when they grow up."
"You couldn't have them. Not with Buck anyway. He doesn't want kids. Plus, you as a mother? That's child abuse" I remarked with my mouth full.
I grinned as her smile finally morphed into a frown.
"Ok you can get going now."
Bucky kissed her goodbye and pulled me up from the table.
"Ugh get off I'm going."
I held his hand as we walked out, and looked back one last time to flip off Sharon.
I skipped next to Bucky as we walked to his car and got in.
When I closed my door behind me, he opened the back of the car and pulled out a bag.
He came around and sat in his seat and handed me the bag.
He started driving before I had the chance to open it.
"Shit! A phone!" I hugged him.
"Y/n! I'm driving a car here!"
"Sorry!" I apologised as he swerved "thanks Buck."
I set it up and instantly added Peter, Bucky and May back in my contacts.
"Ugh I don't have any photos. All my memories are gone!" I complained.
"Give it here" he took the phone and slowed the car down as he took some photos of me.
"Ew!" I scrolled through the photos and deleted almost all of them one by one. I paused at the last one. Bucky had managed to take a selfie, and although I didn't look the greatest in it, he was looking at me and laughing.
I smiled and Bucky looked at me "I like that one."
"Me too" I agreed.
I changed it to my wallpaper for now and called Peter.
"Hello? Who's this?" he asked.
"Hey dork it's me! Bucky got me a new phone! And he's taking me home!"
"That's great! I can't wait to see you!"
"Yeah you too! I'll call you when I'm getting on the plane."
"Ok. Love you."
"Love you too. Tell May as well."
I hung up the phone and smiled as I looked out the window.
Bucky smiled at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You're pretty when you smile."
"So are you."
He laughed and looked back at the road.
I fell asleep in the car, and Bucky woke me up when we got to the airport.
"Ok. Peter will be waiting for you when you get off."
"You're not coming with me?"
"No. Why would I?"
"Never mind. Can you at least walk with me to the gate?" I asked hopefully.
He groaned but held my hand and walked me inside anyway.
When I saw the gate, I stopped walking.
"What's wrong?" Bucky asked me.
"You'll visit right?"
"You'll come and see me?"
"Of course."
"A-and I'll come here too."
"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked as I started to tear up.
"I'm sorry. I never should have left. I shouldn't have run away. I should've come back. Now I'm leaving again. I d-don't, I won't... I can't!"
"It's ok doll" he hugged me tightly.
"No. No don't call me that. A-and Sharon, tell her I'm sorry. For getting in the way" I let go of Bucky and faced the gate.
"Don't leave like this. Promise me you'll come back."
I didn't say anything.
"Y/n promise me!"
I shook my head.
"Bye Bucky. I love you."
I turned and ran off towards the gate. I heard Bucky follow.
"I'm sorry sir you need a ticket to pass this point."
"No I just need to speak to someone."
"I'm sorry I can't let you..."
"She's right there!"
"Fine I'm going!"
I turned and saw Bucky walking away.
I slowly dragged myself through the airport, and eventually onto the plane.
When I got to my seat, I called Peter to let him know I was on the plane and on my way.
He ended the call and I sat back and closed my eyes.
"Excuse me. Are you Miss y/l/n?"
I opened my eyes again and two men in black suits were standing before me.
"Who's asking?"
"Miss y/l/n you need to come with us."
"Why? What's going on?"
"Please come with us."
"I dont-"
One of the men grabbed my arm and pulled me up from my seat. I felt something press into my back.
"Ok. Ok I'll come with you then" I gulped nervously.
They escorted me off the plane, and I watched it take off from the airport.
Two more men in suits approached us.
"This her?"
"No this is some random kid... YES this is her!"
They stood closely around me and started walking.
I thought about trying to yell and run. But they had their guns so close to me that I'd be dead before anyone could stop them.
We left the airport and approached a black limousine waiting outside.
They opened the door for me and forced me inside. One man sat either side of me with their guns out.
I felt the limo being to move, and I focused my eyes on the man sitting directly opposite.
"Hello y/n" Zemo smiled.

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