Chapter Thirty-Nine

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*narrator pov*
You stared at yourself in the mirror of the bathroom.
Today was the day you graduated.
You watched your reflection as it slowly breathed out a long sigh.

You had returned to school about a month and a half ago, and you didn't really struggle to catch up with everyone again. So you were able to graduate with them now.

Bucky opened the bathroom door and you watched him walk over to you in the mirror.
He hugged you from behind and met the eyes of your reflection.
"You are so beautiful doll."
You giggled, turning around and giving him a gentle kiss.
"So. Any plans today?" he asked humorously.
"Oh you know. Just graduating. Come on, you can drop me at Peter's. I want to go with him and then I'll see you when I get back, 'kay?"
"You're joking?"
"What? You want to pick me up too?"
"Doll, I'm going to the fricking ceremony. No way I'm missing that."
"Really?" you whispered happily.
"Really. Come on you don't want to be late."
"Oh wait but I told Peter that we'd go together. With Ned and MJ."
"Okay then we'll pick them up on the way."
"That's okay you can just drop me off at Peter's."
"No, no. I think it's about time I meet your friends."
"Really?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
He nodded and walked out the room.
You quickly messaged Peter the new plan.
"Really?" his reply read.
"Exactly what I said" you responded.
Ned and MJ were already at his house when you went to pick them up.
Ned walked around the car and Peter opened the door for MJ.
"Hey dork" you smiled at them "hi Ned. Hi MJ."
Ned leaned across MJ and whispered to Peter "dude is that the Winter Soldier?"
You laughed from the front seat "this is my boyfriend, Bucky."
"Nice to meet you" Bucky nodded in the rear view mirror.
"So how come we've never met you before?" MJ asked.
"Don't take it personally. They didn't tell anyone about their relationship" Peter informed her. "Well they told me obviously. I kind of introduced them."
"Pfft. Yeah right. You were so scared of Bucky when I first met him. I had to introduce myself" you laughed.
Bucky grinned, finding amusement in the fact that Peter was scared of him.
The car pulled up in front of the school.
"I'll look out for you. In the crowd" you promised Bucky and you got out the car.
You opened the door next to Ned, and he climbed out, followed by MJ.
"Wait. I need to talk to you. In private" Bucky stopped Peter getting out.
"Oh-okay" Peter sat back in the chair "I'll catch up with you guys in a minute."
"Okay. Buck, don't kill him."
"No promises."
You shut the door and slowly strolled towards the school with Ned and MJ, pacing yourself so you didn't leave Peter behind.
You got to the doors and waited for Peter to join you before you walked in.
It took a minute before he finally ran out the car and came up to you. His face was wide with a huge grin.
"You look like a lunatic. What did he say?"
"It was nothing" Peter lied.
"Dude. It was not nothing. Your face is making you look like a literal psycho right now."
"It was nothing" Peter repeated "I'm just excited because we're all graduating in like, less than an hour."
He put one arm around you and the other around MJ, and Ned walked beside you as the four of you entered the school for possibly the very last time.
"Peter Parker" the head teacher called.
There was another round of applause as Peter walked up onto the stage.
"Y/n y/l/n."
You walked up to the stage and shook the headteachers hand.
Then you looked out into the crowd. Everyone was clapping, and two people were standing: May and Bucky.
You grinned and waved at them as you walked off the stage, missing the last step on the stairs and tripping over.
Peter came to help you up, and you both burst out laughing.
"I'm okay" you yelled at the crowd, and laughed as you went to stand with Ned and MJ again.
"Wow you're an idiot" MJ chuckled at you.
"Oh no everyone's going to remember me as the girl who fell at graduation. Shit!" you cried.
"I'm sure everyone will forget about it soon enough" Peter started smiling like he did when he got out the car.
"OK seriously why are you smiling like that?" you asked him.
"I'm just... really happy. That we're doing this together."
"Fine. But for the record, I don't believe that's it. I will find out what was said in that car."
"Mhm. Sure."
You rolled your eyes at Peter, and continued to clap for the names still being called out.
Everyone threw their caps in the air and the crowd dispersed as everyone found their loved ones.
Bucky and May ran over to you and Peter and congratulated you.
"Congratulations doll" Bucky whispered close to your ear. Shivers ran down your spine as you felt him breathe down your neck and he kissed you on the cheek. "I have a surprise for you. I invited some friends."
"Shit is that..."
"Is this for real?"
Everyone around you became quiet and started murmuring. You looked over at where their attention was focused.
"Oh my god it's the avengers!" Flash yelled.
"Y/n!" Morgan came running through the crowd and hugged you tightly.
"Morgan! What are you doing here?" you hugged her back and picked her up.
You looked over to where she had come running from. Pepper Potts came walking through everyone, followed by Clint, Wanda, Thor, Yelena, Rhodes, Bruce, and Sam.
"Shit you guys, what are you all doing here?"
They embraced you in a big group hug.
"You think we would miss this?" Pepper said. "Hey kid" she said gesturing to Peter.
Peter ran over and everyone greeted him too, pulling him into the hug.
You stepped back from the group.
"You came all this way? Just for a high school graduation?"
"Oh it's more than just that" Wanda smiled, looking just behind you.
"What..." you asked as you turned around.
"Oh my god" you gasped and covered your mouth with your hands.
"Y/n y/l/n..." Bucky said with one knee bent down on the floor "I love you more than words can express. You are my everything, and I can't imagine a world without you."
"Oh my god is this really happening?"
"I knew since the day that I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the most beautiful, most intelligent, most caring girl I have ever met. So, will you make me the happiest, luckiest guy alive? Doll, will you marry me?" Bucky opened a small box and held out a ring.
You felt all eyes on you. Hundreds of pairs of eyes piercing through your skin. Everyone was waiting.
"James Buchanan Barnes, yes, yes I will marry you!" you screamed and hugged him, then you stepped back as he put the ring on your finger.
People clapped and cheered as he picked you up and you kissed him in front of everyone.
"Look at that" Sam grinned "Bucky has feelings."
"Shut up" you and Bucky said in unison.
You looked at Peter "did you know?"
"Maybe" Peter smirked.
"I hate you. You didn't tell me?"
"Honestly surprised you didn't figure it out. I'm so happy for you y/n/n" he hugged you.
"Thanks dork."
"You know he asked for my approval? It's kind of sweet actually" Peter whispered in your ear, looking at Bucky over your shoulder, who was rolling his eyes.
You giggled and turned back to Bucky, smiling.
"I love you Buck."
"I love you too doll."

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