Chapter Twenty

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*narrator pov*
You woke up in the morning with your mind made up. You wanted to go see him. Today.
Okay, no, you weren't ready, but you couldn't put it off any longer.
Peter had agreed to take you in the afternoon, but when the afternoon came around, you found yourself locked in the bathroom.
"Y/n/n come on let's go" he said banging on the door and trying to open it. "Y/n?"
Your back was pressed against the other side of the door, so he couldn't get it open.
"I can't do this" you muttered.
"I said... I can't do this! It's impossible."
"It's not impossible. I know it's hard but you can do it. But you know if you don't want to go..."
Peter was secretly hoping they didn't go, as he couldn't help worrying about what could happen, and the possibility that you could get hurt.
He turned to lean back on the door, but just at that moment you unlocked it and opened it.
"Okay fine I'm ready-"
You watched as Peter fell over onto the floor in front of you.
"What are you doing?" you asked curiously.
"Oh I had a long night I'm tired just needed to lie down" Peter groaned sarcastically.
"Come on let's go" you pulled him off the floor and dragged him towards the door.
You stopped before turning the handle.
You turned to face Peter "but what if he doesn't want to see me?"
"Oh my god" Peter allowed himself to fall back over the arm of the couch.
"What if he forgot about me? He probably did. I mean it's been like 5 years since I've seen him."
Peter sat up on the couch. "You know he blipped too. So it really wasn't that long for him. And who could forget you? You're unforgettable AND irreplaceable. You know that. So can we please get going?!" He complained.
You glared at him and stormed out the door as you threw it open.
He rolled his eyes and followed you out the door.
You were already downstairs, out the door and calling a cab when he caught up to you.
One drove over and Peter opened the door for you to climb in.
When you were both seated, the driver asked where you were headed.
You turned to Peter.
Raising an eyebrow, you asked "you don't know do you?"
"Wait no I have an idea where he COULD be." He faced the cab driver and told him to drive to the airport.
"Wouldn't he be at the compound?" you asked when the car started moving.
"Pfft. It blew up, remember?"
"Ah right. I didn't know that."
You let out a deep breath and stroked the chain on your necklace.
It was the one He had bought for you. You had never taken it off since.
We got off the plane, and left the airport to find another cab.
You eventually caught hold of one and Peter told the driver an address as you got in.
You leant onto Peter's arm and rested your head on his shoulder.
The car drove on for almost half an hour and you were considering sleeping, but the smell of fish reeked through your nose.
"Oh my god! What is that? It's disgusting!" You cried.
Peter laughed at you as you sat up holding your nose.
"Fish. You don't like it?"
He laughed more as you violently shook your head.
"Why is there fish? Where are we?" you asked as you looked out the window.
You drove past markets selling lots of different things, mostly it was just types of fish.
You turned a corner and you could see the sea.
The cab stopped on a road that ran parallel to the coast, and you got out.
Peter paid the driver, refusing to split the price with you.
The neighbour hood seemed nice, and the smell was more refreshing here, closer to the ocean than the dead fish.
Two boys ran down the road in front of you, towards a small docks.
"Hey" Peter stopped them and they turned back to look at him "hi!" Peter smiled. "Do you by any chance have an uncle Sam?"
The older of the boys nodded.
"Sam?" You questioned as Peter smiled at you.
The two boys told you to follow them, and you did. You waited on the dock as they scrambled onto a boat calling for "Uncle Sam".
Sam emerged onto the deck and picked up the youngest of the boys.
"There's people here to see you" the other boy stated.
Sam looked off the boat to where you two were standing.
"Are they superheroes like you?" The younger boy asked.
"You could say that" Sam said as he put the boy down.
"Hi Sam" Peter greeted cheerily.
"Hey kid. Who's your friend?"
You sucked your lips into your teeth.
"Sam, that's, uh, she's ..." Peter started.
"Y/n?!" Sam exclaimed, clearly surprised.
You nodded at him. "Hi" you said unenthusiastically.
Sam got off the boat and walked up to Peter. "I thought she died."
"She did, but not really."
"You know I can hear you right? You're like two steps away from me. And you're not whispering" you pointed out their stupidity.
"Is he here?" Peter asked Sam.
"Yeah. He's at the house. Come on" Sam replied. He walked next to Peter and y/n followed loosely behind them.
"I don't know how he's going to feel about this" Sam whispered.
"It's fine. As long as he won't hurt her" Peter muttered quietly.
"Bucky doesn't do that more. I think you should maybe be more concerned about her hurting him. There's something you don't know..."
You watched the boys whispering in front of you, but you didn't pay attention to what they were saying.
You looked out to the ocean as you walked past it. It was so beautiful, you wanted to stay and watch it for a little while longer.
But Sam turned down a pathway leading to the door of a house, and you turned towards it, facing away from the view.
He opened the door and walked through, but before you could follow, he turned back and said "wait here".
You and Peter stood in the doorway as Sam walked into another room.
Bucky was laying on the couch in Sam's sister's house, watching the TV.
He didn't really feel like doing anything that day, so he was lucky Sam let him crash there.
He was near finishing the last hobbit movie when he heard the door open.
He looked up from the couch and saw Sam walk in.
"You seriously been lying here all day?" Sam sounded disappointed, but unsurprised.
Bucky shrugged and turned back to the TV.
"There's someone here to see you." Sam continued.
"Who?" Bucky looked and saw Peter come up behind him "oh hey kid."
Bucky turned away quickly, hoping not too suspiciously. He had no problems with the kid, except that his presence was always a painful reminder ever since...
"So what do you want?" Buck asked without taking his eyes off the television.
"I, uh. Well actually" Peter stuttered nervously, as he didn't really know how to tell someone that their ex is back from the dead.
"It's not him that wants to see you" Sam spoke for Peter.
"What do you mean? Who wants to see me then?"
"Hello Bucky."

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