Chapter 5 The deal

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"Here to catch up with someone." Styles looks around the crammed café. "She's out at the moment so I thought come in here and wait under the air con until she gets home. Don't like my chances of getting a table though."

Ryan kicks out the empty chair at our table, "spare right here, mate."

Styles eyes dart from Ryan to me before he nods and grins. "Think I will. I'll get a drink first and then I'll join you both."

Why the hell did Ryan invite him to sit with us? I'd love to kick my brother in the ankle, but I don't, because I know he'll boot me back. "Why did you invite him to sit with us? I thought you and I were catching up?"

"And we are? What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is..."I stop short: shrug, pull a face, unable to come up with one valid reason he shouldn't sit with us. I mean, yeah, I have several, and the biggest one being that I can't stand him; but I can't tell Ryan that we've already met. "Fine, let him sit there." I relent, crossing my arms over my chest. 

I consider walking out, but quickly decide against it. That's the worst thing I could do. Then Styles will be free to tell Ryan about our new association.

"You know I'm freelancing at the newspaper, right?"

My eyes roll at his sudden tone. "Yes, Ryan, I'm aware."

"Well, he works there as well. And I need as many friends at that place as I can get."

At this point I couldn't care less about him strengthening work ties. My only concern is why he's here? 

My eyes lift to Styles as he crosses the room with a bottle of water in hand. As he pulls a chair out, Ryan sucks gravy from his thumb, and then introduces me to Styles, who, to my relief, doesn't let on that we've already met.

"So," Ryan clears his throat. "I stuck that help wanted advert up for ya, Styles. You end up finding anyone?"

What a load of crap. The help-wanted advert was sitting on the floor of Ryan's car when I picked it up and took it for myself to phone Styles.

"Yes." Styles nods. "I did. Mouthy little thing but she'll do."

Is he referring to me?

Ryan's phone rings and he scoops it up from the table. "Back in a sec." Then he's up and walking for the door.

The very moment my brother is out the café door, I turn to Styles and say, "so tell me, who is this female you're here to see?"

Styles shifts in his chair. "She's the mouthy one I was just telling your brother about. Actually, I'm here to apologize to her."

My brow rise. "Apologize?"

"Thats right. I was having a shit day and I think I might have offended her." He sets his phone on the table. "I'd like to make her offer."

 "Ok, you can cut the crap now. What's your offer?" 

"Help me sort through the boxes and I'll throw in a five-hundred-dollar bonus at the end of the job?"

Would he just? 

As much as I don't want to give in to him, I relent. "Why would you do that?"

His blue eyes hold mine, "cos I'm a good Samaritan, why else?"

I huff unconvinced. "More like desperate. If you weren't, you wouldn't be here."

 "Either way, you should take the offer. " He pulls a white business card from his wallet and twirls it between his fingers. "Now, think fast, Miss Edberg. Time is ticking. And I don't have long to get the boxes sorted. So I'll give you the day to think it over." 

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